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  1. #1
    Founder Jarlaxis's Avatar
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    Default Adding some spice to the Aging Threnal series

    As it stands now people only run Threnal for one or two things, the Cloak of the Worldshaper or Retribution (which I have not seen drop in ages, out of the game maybe?)

    The quest series and giant caves used to be "the" thing to do, of course this was four years ago. There is an item in the series I always thought needed more expansion and versatility, The Threnalian War Blade, as it stands it's a +5 Blank of uselessness. It used to be a great thing to be able to get when finding a +5 random drop was a rare thing and you needed a couple extra to-hit when running Tempest Spine Elite and those pesky Drow Blackguards proved to be a bit hard to kill. Yeah I know, someone is going to say, can't hit Drow Blackguards? /reroll, well contrary to popular belief Tempest Spine was a challenge back then.

    So my suggestion is this.
    Revamp the Threnalian War Blade by adding crafting along the lines of Dragontouched Armor. Not adding disintegration guard or anything like that mind you but something in the level range. Basically allowing runes or sigils to drop randomly in all of the quests in the pack including the Giant Caves that allow one to add an enchantment from current randomly generated weapon mods to the War Blade. (Maximum of two, just like randomly generated)

    Allow people to choose the type and metal of the weapon upon turn in of the quest requirements. As far as the metal type add a requirement for Ceremonial blade + cold iron ingot or adamantine ingot, silver ingot (which would drop in the chests as well, albeit rarely). Then onto the forge where the weapon and the runes you have collected go in and the character gets that nice new +5 weapon (BTC of course).

    This would provide an option for those folks that always wanted a +5 Silver whatever but can't afford the insanity that is the Auction house.

    As a side note since the pack is level 10-12 the weapon mods available to drop would be limited to the maximum capability of a ML 12 item, No need to allow people to craft +5 Silver Holy Burst Weapons of Greater Evil Ousider Bane, That would be so overpowered it's silly.

    Just an idea.

  2. #2
    Founder Rydlic's Avatar
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    Excellent idea
    adding into each of the end quest:
    Mark of the Fire Reaver - for fire burst damage
    Mark of the Ice Flencer - for ice burst damage
    Random Ingots (Silver, Flametouched Iron, Adamantine, Mithiril, Cold Iron)

    For the random caves could be crafting ingridents ala the vale so that you could craft any kind of melee, ranged or thrown.

    Bind to Character and since we know that Shroud weapons of broken are min lvl 12, these could be min lvl 8.
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  3. #3
    Founder Jarlaxis's Avatar
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    ML 8 wouldn't be a bad idea, I was just thinking that ML 12 would be more representative of the mod strength on a +5 weapon, however since the crafting of said Threnalian War Blade would be somewhat time intensive due to grinding for the combination you most want it would be a nice little perk.

  4. #4
    Community Member
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    I kinda like the Threnal series, and adding this onto it would give a new lease of life.

  5. #5
    Community Member Montoya's Avatar
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  6. #6
    Community Member lazylaz's Avatar
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    I like this idea. I enjoy running the Threnals (except for the obvious stage) and it would certainly modernise the chain. Newer players are used to certain game devices now so it would probably get more people into it.

    Its not F2p though, so would having this crafting increase the purchase price of the pack? Probably.
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  7. #7
    Founder PurdueDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarlaxis View Post
    So my suggestion is this.
    Revamp the Threnalian War Blade by adding crafting along the lines of Dragontouched Armor. Not adding disintegration guard or anything like that mind you but something in the level range. Basically allowing runes or sigils to drop randomly in all of the quests in the pack including the Giant Caves that allow one to add an enchantment from current randomly generated weapon mods to the War Blade. (Maximum of two, just like randomly generated)

    Allow people to choose the type and metal of the weapon upon turn in of the quest requirements. As far as the metal type add a requirement for Ceremonial blade + cold iron ingot or adamantine ingot, silver ingot (which would drop in the chests as well, albeit rarely). Then onto the forge where the weapon and the runes you have collected go in and the character gets that nice new +5 weapon (BTC of course).

    This would provide an option for those folks that always wanted a +5 Silver whatever but can't afford the insanity that is the Auction house.

    As a side note since the pack is level 10-12 the weapon mods available to drop would be limited to the maximum capability of a ML 12 item, No need to allow people to craft +5 Silver Holy Burst Weapons of Greater Evil Ousider Bane, That would be so overpowered it's silly.

    Just an idea.
    I posted this on a similar thread a while back. I like your idea of the cold iron, etc. addition and giant cave drops.

    I would improve this first by separating West from East & South. This would make the quest progression a bit less confusing and take care of the slight level disparity with West.
    For West, make it a stand alone chain culminating in Threnal Arena. Have the ceremonial sword be a trade in for a Threnal Arena token (or some cooler named thing). At Threnal Arena combine the token with a masterwork weapon of your choice. The reward from Threnal Arena would then be a random set of magical enhancements (maybe restricted to decent ones, or maybe nudged by also supplying a resist energy potion or something) totaling to ML8 but with an ML6 restriction and bound to character. Or maybe a little better than that if you supply a bunch of khyber fragments. Kind of like crafting light.
    Modify East 3 to have Coyle actually move around setting wards instead of playing the berserker. Even made 10X easier than it used to be, this is still quite an annoying quest. Also beef up the boss giant in South - maybe some voice over as well...even referencing STK. It seems a shame that the end of such a long chain feels like Giant caves light.

  8. #8
    Community Member Zectarash's Avatar
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    I once lagged in the loading screen, which made Coyle die, then I came in and didn't have to save him, and I DIDN'T FAIL THE QUEST!!!!!!!!

    On a side note, why not add some new spinoffs of Kobold Assault (got a thread on that already)?
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  9. #9
    Community Member kilagan800's Avatar
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    There are a number of quests that need revamping, and I think it'll be great to see threnal updated.

  10. #10
    Community Member Sarisa's Avatar
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    The very touchy Threnal flagging, the limited explorer area, the no-favour side quests and Arena, and the horrors of East-3, and the uselessness of the Arena "crafting" seem to be what most people want changed. The area COULD be nice and much more used, and be sold more, but it just has so many issues compared to newer quests/chains.

    In addition, aside from a few items mentioned earlier in the thread, the loot is very dull and uninteresting now. This is partly due to the power creep in newer items (Chronoscope especially, but also House P/Sentinels items for the right classes). Sorrowdusk has the same problems, and even Tangleroot took a bit of a hit once the Chrono items came out.

    * Even though Chrono is a raid with a timer, the it only takes 4-6 runs in order to obtain a full BTA Abishai set along with most other items (Robe/Docent/Infested/Weapons) you wish to get. It makes it even easier if you go in a guild group where people will pass you the items you want. In two weeks or so of time, you'll obtain pretty much everything that you used to run Tangleroot for (+3 stat items) except for Death Render visors.

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