Vets & TRs only. Like being a TR keeps one from being a moron these days.
Vets & TRs only. Like being a TR keeps one from being a moron these days.
Please remove this thread from the forums before this idea infects my server.
"These fauchards have gone too far!"
Hi Welcome
while there are TR-s that are still completely ********. most of them know how to play THEIR toon since they have already leveled it to 20 once. and on MY tr if you cost me that 10% xp. well lets just say im not going to be a happy camper.
*Sarlona server*
-Wraistlynn 20th TR wizard-
-Khellendros 20th Cleric-
-Malystrix- Monster build
Earlier I saw a lfm for misery peak elite with ets and TR's only. He also needed a rogue and a cleric.
Now I'm not an elitist and certainly not a vet, but I'm pretty sure I didn't need a group when I did elite misery formy first time
My mom told me to become a warforged sorcerer. But did I listen? Noooooooooooooo
English to english translation service, here to assist in this matter.
Vets & TRs only = We are noobs and need at least one non noob to run the quest for us so we can be lead by our ears through the quest with as little effort put in by us as possible to figure out how to actually run the quest ourselves.
Resolving this issue involves joining the LFM, getting to the quest first, opening the quest on elite, and filling all remaining group slots with gold seal hirelings. Then /afk
Clear cut case Johnson. Sprinkle come crack on it and lets get out of here.
Ya know I saw an lfm for peak the other day looking for a rogue. Am I skipping the part of the quest that isn't chock full of undead and has even a single trap?
Seriously though I have run in to people that are "vets" from years ago and TRs that have "many other level 20s" that still play like carp. Even twinked to the gills they still freakin die and want a healer for every quest. Usually the ones bragging about their uber DPSes.
Move along , Nothing to see here
I couldn't disagree more. Those wings mean nothing at all. XP is way too easy to come by on here. Any tard can hit 20 and TR and still know nothing. Running to 20 doesn't qualify someone for sh!t. I'd rather take along a person that's level 15 with 1750 favor than a person who hit 20 piking for his wings as so many on here have done.
I have only seen that a few times. Joined one of the groups once, and it was as Chai said, but more of a "We are pretty average, and hope we can get some folks who are better that that."
Mission went ok, and no one freaked out when the Leader died (and cost everyone 10%) they may not be all bad.
Now Diving in Lava, with the Lava Divers.
AKA, Cb,Cg,Cj,Cl,Co,Cp,Cq,Cr,Cs,Ct,Cw,Cx,Cz and...Edvard. All the other C's were taken.
I have joined a few 'Vets and TRs' groups (they were doing the quests I wanted), and have never once had to justify myself or my qualifications to be in such an elite group.
Snorm - Khyber
This isn't new at all
Leveling a character to 20 and then tring it into a whole new class wouldn't mean you know what you are doinggoing from rogue to cleric uhm? If you don't won't the 10% xpp hit -play solo or get a hireling the give smaller bonus for dying
Otherwise you are gonna be a grumpy old man in no time
Aussie, Minimonbon,Rockstarr-Leader of Utopia
Trade List
Actually, I use this sometimes, and the reason is actually the opposite of what you might think.
Its for when you are running quests that you know you can complete solo without any difficulty, and you dont want anyone to join you who is going to slow you down and need any form of hand holding.
When you are zerging quests solo, other good players can make things just that little bit faster, on the other hand, many players may just slow you down - taking long times to get to the quests, dying and costing you xp, training to dungeon alert, etc.