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  1. #1
    Community Member elraido's Avatar
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    Default Lit II vs Holy Sword vs Epic Chimiras

    I am just wondering what the dps difference is between the three on say Harry. Figure 32 str, dm IV, df +3. Have all bastard sword, then all khopeshs except for Chimiras (duh lol). I know there are people out there who are much better at crunching these numbers than I am.

    I am basically trying to figure out if the base damage from Chimiras negates the crit multiplier of the khopesh....and if that base damage over time can even exceed that multiplier....all the while breaking dr and still doing lightning strike.
    Officer - Eternal Wrath
    Burne Level 20 Human Paladin

  2. #2
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Pit Fiends, not chimeras

    Normal difficulty, Lit 2 is about 5 damage ahead of Min 2 (which is about 2 damage ahead of Holy Sword).
    Hard, Lit 2 is about 3 damage behind Holy Sword
    Elite, Lit 2 is about 13 damage behind Holy Sword (i.e. it's utterly useless).
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  3. #3
    Community Member Junts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    Pit Fiends, not chimeras

    Normal difficulty, Lit 2 is about 5 damage ahead of Min 2 (which is about 2 damage ahead of Holy Sword).
    Hard, Lit 2 is about 3 damage behind Holy Sword
    Elite, Lit 2 is about 13 damage behind Holy Sword (i.e. it's utterly useless).

    He wants to know if a silver chimaera's fang with capstone is better than a holy sword khopesh or min2 khopesh.

    You didn't answer him.

  4. #4
    Community Member Zilta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Junts View Post
    You didn't answer him.
    neither did you :P

  5. #5
    Community Member Purgatory's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zilta View Post
    neither did you :P
    don't think this was the awnser the op was looking for

  6. #6
    Community Member Therigar's Avatar
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    Lit II isn't usually considered a "boss beater" for situations like Harry. Most crafting for Harry is Min II. L20 Pally overcomes the "good" DR but still is problem with silver AFAIK. Would consider Holy Sword to be better than Lit II in that situation.

    Chimera's Fang has same issue as Lit II, L20 Pally makes it "good" but still loses damage to silver DR.

    This would suggest that you'd need to overcome DR -- and that is a loss of damage every hit. You don't have that issue with the Holy Sword.

    Too tired to work out the actual numbers, but my suspicion is that the Holy Sword will probably win out vs Harry.

    Edit: Sorry, told you I was tired. Forgot about augment slot. If you augment to silver on Chimera's Fang you'll bypass all DR on Harry. So then its a race to see if the lightning strike procs. If you figure out a good way to average out the lightning strike it may be that it comes ahead.
    Last edited by Therigar; 12-10-2010 at 12:00 AM.

  7. #7
    Community Member oberon131313's Avatar
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    I think the question assumes that silver is slotted in chimeras, making it silver of pure good in the hands of a capstone pally. So the question is: bs with lightning strike, shocking burst and maiming that passes dr vs lit ii khopesh that doesn't beat dr vs holy sword khopesh...
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  8. #8
    The Hatchery Vissarion's Avatar
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    On normal, Epic Chimera's Fang with silver augment outclasses Lit II which outclasses Holy Sword.

    On hard and elite, Fang outclasses Holy Sword which outclasses Lit II.

    Fang is behind on non-DR enemies, though.

    Calculated using DMIV, 32 STR, Power Attack, Max Bard Song, Bloodstone and IC:Slashing. Additional damage bonuses like Epic Claw, Shintao Set, FB set, etc, will narrow the gap a little due to the crit profile on Khopesh, but it is unlikely to be surpassed.
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  9. #9
    Community Member elraido's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oberon131313 View Post
    I think the question assumes that silver is slotted in chimeras, making it silver of pure good in the hands of a capstone pally. So the question is: bs with lightning strike, shocking burst and maiming that passes dr vs lit ii khopesh that doesn't beat dr vs holy sword khopesh...
    Bingo. I figured that since this was the paladin forum, we would have been putting silver into augment slot on the epic....and along with the cap stone it would by pass dr.
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  10. #10
    Founder LeLoric's Avatar
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    Epic Chimeras will out dps against LIT II on holy and silver bypassed raid bosses. Here's the problem though. You have to spend a feat to be proficient with chimera's (either the least DM or bs Prof). When you arent fighting one of these raid bosses you are gonna be a lot lower on dps. Epic Lailat the chimeras is worthless. You could do holy sword bastards but your still far behind if you would have used khopesh for that feat. Epic dragon is pretty much the same although chimera's isn't too bad here but still far behind LIT II khopesh or even holy sword khopesh. Most epic bosses the chimeras is weaker than khopesh options and pallys don't have the feats to spare using both without hurting in another area.
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  11. #11
    Community Member elraido's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeLoric View Post
    Epic Chimeras will out dps against LIT II on holy and silver bypassed raid bosses. Here's the problem though. You have to spend a feat to be proficient with chimera's (either the least DM or bs Prof). When you arent fighting one of these raid bosses you are gonna be a lot lower on dps. Epic Lailat the chimeras is worthless. You could do holy sword bastards but your still far behind if you would have used khopesh for that feat. Epic dragon is pretty much the same although chimera's isn't too bad here but still far behind LIT II khopesh or even holy sword khopesh. Most epic bosses the chimeras is weaker than khopesh options and pallys don't have the feats to spare using both without hurting in another area.
    Main main does have the feat for both, so that isn't an issue at all. He was originally a bastard sword user 4 years ago, so I have gather a decent amount of them. My main also isn't a TWF or a all those feats are freed up. Off the top of my head the ones I have are:
    IC Slashing
    Combat Ex
    Tower Shield
    He is a DoS build. mid 80's ac. Still does decent damage....enough to be able to hate tank Suli and not have it pulled unless there is a paladin with a epic sos. And if that is the case, just click the intim button.

    This isn't an arguement about having it as my "main" weapon. I know what creatures are vulnerable to what and adjust my weapons accordingly. I am just trying to figure out how much of an improvement the Fang will be over some other items on certain boss's.
    Officer - Eternal Wrath
    Burne Level 20 Human Paladin

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