Changeling in PnP lean more towards the Rp aspect of the game, but have many advantages that people may not know about that would make them viable characters in DDO. Here is my write up on what Changelings could look like in DDO.


Handling minor shape change:

In DDO except for racial emulation, this ability would be purely cosmetic. There are two way I feel that this could be handle.

The first and the one I prefer the most would be to added a appearance screen for every playable race during creation. Let players select what they want to look like while mimicking another race. Then add a toggle feat to the character sheet for each race. Players could then hot key those and toggle them on and off as needed.

The second way this could be done is to like mentioned above add a toggle feat for each race to the character sheet, but when activated applies a randomize appearance for that race.

Changeling’s Natural Appearance: Believe it or not the work for this is already done. Everyone remember how half-elves originally looked. Yup use those models but change skin tones and hair colors to shades of gray and it is spot on.

Racial traits

Changlelings get no racial bonuses to stats and therefore start with 8 in all stats

They are medium creatures

+2 to saves vs sleep and charm effects

+2 racial bonus to bluff and Intimidate skills

Racial emulation: While shape changed a changeling can use races restricted items of the race he is currently shape changed in to. Changelings gain no other racial benefits and retain all changeling racial benefits including the ability to use changeling races restricted items. A changeling can only emulate one race at a time.

Social Intuition: Years of blending in have made you especially adept at reading people and situations.
Benefit: Changeling can take 10 and all bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate checks


Changeling Trick 1-3: You have become very successful at hiding your true intentions
Cost: 1/2/3 AP
Benefit: activating this ability to make a bluff check vs. targeted enemy, A success check grants +2 to hit and allows that mob to be sneak attacked for a short period of time(Think unbalancing strike). Tier 2-3 increases the length of this effect by 10% each.

Changeling Sneak Attack 1-2: Changelings are natural rogues and therefore are great at stabbing things.
Cost: 2/4 AP
Benefit: +1d6 to sneak attack damage. Teir 2 increases to +2d6

Changeling Slippery Mind 1-3: Your ability to shake off sleep and charm effects improves
Cost 1/2/3 AP
Benefit: you gain +1 to saves vs sleep and charm effects; Each tier increases the bonus by 1 for a total of +3

Mutable Body 1-3: During combat you have become able to move your vital organs around providing extra protection against critical hits and sneak attacks.
Cost:: 2/4/6 AP
Benefit: you gain a 20% chance to negate critical and sneak attacks. Tier 2 increases to 30%. Tier 3 increases to 50%. ( stacks with fortification.)

Changeling Threat Reduction 1-3: You are extremely talented at convincing people it wasn’t you.
Cost: 2/4/6
Benefit: you gain 10% treat reduction. Tier 2 increase to 20%. Tier 3 increases to 30%

Malleable Spellcaster 1-3: As a changeling you have learned to manipulate magic in the same way you manipulate your body and therefore cast magic more efficiently then other casters.
Cost: 1/2/3
Benefit: The casting cost of all your spells is reduced by 1. Tier 2 increase to 2. Tier 3 increase to 3.

Transmutation Specialist 1-3: Changeling casters tend to focus on the Transmutation school of magic, and are usually better at casting those kinds of spells.
Cost: 2/4/6 AP
Benefit: you gain +1 to your caster level when casting Transmutation spells. Tier increase to +2. Tier 3 increases to +3.

Illusion Specialist 1-3: Like Transmutation Specialist but for spells from the Illusion School of magic.

Changeling adaptability 1-2: Like human adaptabilty1-2

Disturbing Visage 1-3: You alter your appearance in combat to unnerve or dissuade your opponent.
Requirement: Changeling Trick 1
Cost: 1/2/3
Benefit: You make a bluff check against targeted opponent if it is successful they receive a -1 penalty to attack and damage rolls against you for a short period. This ability shares a cool-down timer with the Changeling Trick enhancement. Tier 2 increases penalty to -3. Tier 3 increase penalty to -5.

Racial toughness 1-3: Like racial toughness, obviously.

Improved Recovery 1-3: Changeling's malleable body allows for them to heal faster then most races. (like: human improved recovery)

Racial Skill Bluff 1-3: Standard racial skill enhancement.

Racial Skill Intimidate 1-3: Standard racial skill enhancement.

Shifting Skill 1-4: Changelings of all the races think on their feet the quickest and can adjust to situations on the fly.
Benefits: After shrining or while in a tavern you can choose a skill from a list. You receive a +2 racial bonus to that skill. This skill can be changed again after shrining or while in a tavern. Tiers 2-4 increase the skill bonus by 1 for a max total of +5. UMD should probably be excluded as a choice.

Changeling Intimidation: You scare people easily.
Requirement: Disturbing Visage 1
cost: 2
Benefit: You make an Intimidate check instead of a bluff check when using Disturbing Visage.

Suggested Racial PrEs

Chameleon-a roguish PrE

Recaster- an arcane caster PrE