Are there such things as Adamantine Handwraps? Or do I have to be a level 16 Monk in order to break through an Iron Golem's DR with my bare hands?
Are there such things as Adamantine Handwraps? Or do I have to be a level 16 Monk in order to break through an Iron Golem's DR with my bare hands?
Although somewhat rare there are Metalline handwraps.
Osmand d'Medani, Stonebearer Eric, Wardreamer
Yep, metalline only for handwraps.
Thankfully, adamantine / metalline staves and kamas are fairly easy to find. /hint hint
Technically, metal-threaded handwraps are available from the revamped Devil Assaut quest. But they're quite rare, and you have to run normal or hard to get them (not elite or epic, according to Eladrin!). I've seen one pair of Holy Adamantine-studded Handwraps of Pure Good on the Khyber AH, for 1.5mil plat, IIRC.
there was a pair of +5 addy studded handwraps of pure good ml 10 on the ah in khyber a while ago
starting bid was 1mil platlol