So I made a ranger about a month ago and have been playing regularly since...
Now, this is where I am at right now (LVL 4), as far as stats:
STR 15
DEX 19
CON 12
INT 10
WIS 15
CHA 10
I was originally going to go Weapon Finesse, which is why DEX is higher than STR. Then I realized only certain weapons are finessable and I really wanted to use scimitars, which are not finessable. Keep in mind that at least two points of dex and one of wis are from enhancements. I've read from a lot of people that 10 Wis is perfectly acceptable, since you can get the rest for Ranger spells from gear. Can't I get STR from gear just as easily? Doesn't it, in the long run, balance out? Also... I put two into CHA because I just don't like having negative stat mods.
I'm pretty much working towards Tempest, and at level 4, I'm not doing too bad. I'm at work so I can't use the character planner tool and post my full character build, but enhancements and feats aren't set in stone. My only question is, if I keep pumping into STR, will this character be viable in the long run with my current stats?
If not, I'll transfer my gear to another character and re-roll, as I do have veteran characters (start at level 4) available and I will have minimal loss (I think I'll lose two ranks).