This is how it was explained by one of the developers in the past. They also covered how your loot was not affected by others loot gems and/or character level and other long standing myths such as using Diplomacy on a chest.
Edit: I haven't specifically tested it, but there were many loot runs where I took nothing but gold from a chest due to full inventory and being multiple zones away from a vendor where I still got ransacked.
Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
AoK @ Argonnessen
You forgot to add that he also asked people to come up with worse glitches, then went over-the-top defensive when he realized that he WAS wrong, and is now trying to deflect so that people don't realize that he overreacted in the first place.
OP, first off, this is NOT the first time someone has lost something important that they pulled from a chest, and I would agree with Lorien that until it's replicated, all we know is that you say that you lost a seal in ADQ and cannot prove how or why. Pure hearsay and conjecture.
Oh, and I would add that the bug we had 4 years ago where if you happened to DC while logging in, your character would be lost completely, is MUCH worse...I *THINK* they were all able to be restored, but imagine that...your uber toon with all his Greensteel, Epic SS rings, shards, seals, and whatever else is more important than everyone else's characters, all LOST, simply because your ISP took a nose dive right as you were logging in. I'd say that is definitely worse.
I feel for you if what you say happened actually happened, but put in a ticket and bug report it, post about what you found, and then move on...all the negativity and namecalling will do nothing for you but get you more red bars, more fans, and possibly even a ban...
Last edited by Yazston_the_Invoker; 12-09-2010 at 03:45 PM. Reason: grammar grammar grammar
Yazston the Invoker, Nyyarlathotep, Thongo Stonesplitter, Stumpvvater Jack, Iaug Sothoth, Egostu Theman, Hastuur D'Rlyeh,Vehnison Deerslayer, Guendaril Kherras, Khaloss Meierson, Haestan Cloudreaver, YgolonacMember of The Madborn
Thanks for the entertainment in this thread. I know the OP really and truely believed this was the worst bug in DDO history, he just was lacking in information. At some point though when faced with the evidence it is best to back down and admit your claim was wrong.
Winston Churchill:
“Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains.”
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye." - Miss Piggy
Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back.~ Cpt. Mal Reynolds
~Peechie Keene~ THAC0
This thread seems strangely less than it used to be... I wonder how that happens?
I still think it's sitting in his ingredients bag.
Glenalth Woodwalke ■ Preston the Ranger ■ Brisqoe the Dentist ■ Prescription Liberator
AoK @ Argonnessen
ok you really need to take a chill pill... the other glitches listed far out weigh this one is how much they affect the player base... but just to make you feel better consider this scenario:
you have the shard, scroll and item and you have spent hours trying to get a group together to run the quest. finally you get there. get it completed and there in the chest is the seal you need to complete you item. its right there. finally after a month of running this quest on every lvl 20 you have daily (that's 10 runs a day) you get the seal and then for some reason you cant click the loot all button cos your inventory is open so you click the inventory closed accidentally missing the little x in you haste and have to click it again. you've now got your inventory closed but you've clicked off the chest.... you open it again and while it loads the loot table again you lag... totally. you frantically load back into the game log your char in and you are standing OUTSIDE the quest... you turn around look at the door to the quest and swear, repeatedly. oh well its gone now... back to the grind... (this happened to my guild leader and very good mate)
that is worse then you not paying attention to a very obvious thing. ONCE A CHEST IS OPEN ONLY THE PPL IN THE QUEST AT THE TIME GET THE LOOT YOU NOOB!
that being said the whole items disappearing cos of the ransacked thing has happened, to at least 3 ppl i know so dont feel too special
Exaggerate much?
10 months seems to exceed the time from you're join date till now. Ok so maybe are rounding up a bit, joined March 1st and have been playing non-stop since Korthos trying to get a ring of spell story. Which means you joined with a ton of equipment/game knowledge. I certainly didn't starting knowing all, but then i'm not "awesome".
Btw, the vast majority of people on the forums are very friendly and have been out of their way helpful to me. Perhaps they sense my unawesomeness and pitty me.
... Do you even have a lvl 20 character? Do you even do epics?
Lorien_the_First_One, really! I mean like have you ever posted on most topics of merit on this forum? Have you posted more than 16K times? Do you even have 4 years more experience with this game? What would you possibly know about the history here?
Your so uppity!
And you must admit he is devastating something.
Your memory serves incorrectly. If you could do this, I would have invited a couple of Monk friends to pick up those nice Devout Handwraps while I was farming for XP.
The only people who can loot from a chest are people who were inside the quest at the time when that chest was first opened. (Even though each player's loot isn't actually generated until they open the chest themselves, the "I can has loot?" flag is set when the first person pops the chest.)
People who were not in the quest when the chest was popped are not even available in the dropdown menu for choices on passing the loot inside the chest.
Edit: and to clarify, yes I have actively tested this in the Shadow Crypt (or whatever quest it is that has those Handwraps) with a friendly Monk who was not in the quest at the time and again later in the sands with a party member who was in the party when the chest was popped but not yet in the wilderness zone with us. And I did try to close the chest and reopen it when that party member came into the zone with us.
Last edited by PopeJual; 12-09-2010 at 09:06 PM.