coven of heroes just pulled together a successful wizzie only shroud and it was very smooth and extremely funny. how many discoballs/fogs did we have active in part 2? 40 something?
anyways part 1 went faster than expected but not quite as fast as fast as normal groups. we also had some problems at one point because no one remembered to take care of the trash(ironic isnt it?).
part 2 was acomplished at first try after messing around with discoballs and fogs for a while.
part 3... well most of us had 40+ int so its only natural that the puzzle part went well.
part 4 was awesome and we pale masters had a great laugh at how our hp was instantly restored by death auras right after harry threw his meteor swarms at us. we also had an archmage die from lack of attention here... my guess would be laughter.
part 5 was very casual but took us a while same as part 4 only no blades hitting us at the same time as harry did so no problems at all here
after completion we all swarmed the lobster pvp area and performed the "symphony of the banshee" followed by everyone teleporting away. id love to see the faces of the people in there.
i know this has been done before by people not having access to pale masters and archmages but it was done for the fun really, and that we had.
anyways, we have now introduced wizzie wednesday and next week will be tod and eadq2 so keep your eyes on the lfm's next wednesday because there wont be many spots not reserved.