Well im shocked!, today was the first time I have ever in all my time playing been declined from a shroud raid on >NORMAL< because my SoS and bloodstone "will gimp my DPS".... Now its not an Epic SoS and I can see that -10 per hit might be an issue for some... but im a maxed STR kensi fighter with full haste boots and crits on a 14... people... if that aint DPS enough for a shourd on normal then im afraid I must walk away form this game for good...
Now im working on my GS stuff, truly I am, but I have a family, job and real life friends to balance out with having a hobby in playing an awesome game, but elitists have clearly tainted the mind of the majority and if you dont treat this game as a second life then you do not belong in it, or at least that is the way things are heading...
Please, please, please prove that my thinking is wrong and there are still some sensible people that have a life and a job and occasionally have intercourse with other human beings (or "get laid" if that is your preferred wording) that still play the game![]()
a shroud normal hahaha brings tears of laughter everytime I think of it...