Is this a new race? The mini-WF?

No, No, It's just a halfling wearing the skin of a WF as armor

What is this going to do to Warforged relations and all if the coin lords allow fleshies to run around stormreach in WF Shells, We risk the WF community rising up and killing all fleshies... or as bender would say "Kill all Humans".....But I do have to admit the robe of this skin is really nice.

In all seriousness however, While I'm glad Turbine is finally addressing the need/want for armor customization, You at turbine seem to be focused on the higher end. But you need to work on your heavy armor options (robe and outfits are sharp). This one is horrible, and I don't think I saw any that were more than a "Meh..." there are many randomly generated armors out there that are good, but just need tweaking to make great. My armor wearing builds typically go though 8 sets of armor from lvl 1 to lvl 20. I'm not going to be spending 200 tp for new skins for each armor... however, if say you had dyes available to tweak colors for 25-50tp, I might spend more to do that. Some examples:

This armor isn't great, but isn't bad.... However, if I could change the highlight color from that lavander/pinkish color to say gold, black, or such, I might just do it. Imaging if you could change the base metal color to gold, and the highlight to black, I probably spend as much as 50tp to do so.

Now this is a great armor, Pulled it just last night, not bad to look at, and being +4 mithral FP ML4, I see this lasting for a while say on a Cleric, Pali, or FvS. However, If I were to put it on a divine caster, I'd like it better to be bright white. maybe pay a little more to replace the lion head emblem with the emblem of the faith of the caster, or somehow make it really pop.

Ok, well I think any more will just be repeating what 100's have already said. Glad to see some movement in a positive direction. hope you put in even more choices however.