I am planning to TR into a rogue (yes, I am planning this for quite a while), and I am approaching slowly the 20 token mark. This makes me wonder: Which items, maybe from some lowbie chains, will definitely help me a lot while leveling a pure halfling rogue?
Must-haves (I have them or I will have them before I TR):
RadianceII Rapier (Shroud)
GS HP Item (at least Tier 2, Shroud)
Voice of the Master (Deleras)
Level-appropirate clean + Skills gear (e.g. +5/7/9... Disable, Search and possibly Spot items)
Ventilated Bracers (Reaver's Fate)
Golden Cartouche (Delera's)
Madstone Boots (Reaver's Fate)
(Epic) Cloak of Night (Mabar Event)
Philarian Mirror Cloak (Carnival)
Lots of Clickies et al:
Fox' Cuinning
Death Ward (Tangle Root)
Lesser Restoration
Poison Immunity Item
Ring of Feathers (Shan-to-Kor)
Haste Clickie (Shroud)
Displacement Clickie (Shroud)
Stoneskin Clickie (Shroud)
Tharne's Goggles (Vision of Destuction)
DT +5 Robes (Reaver's refuge; those provide more AC than light armor if your Dexmod is greater than 9)
Head of Good Fortune (Reaver's Fate)
Bloodstone (Sands)
Treason (Reaver's Fate)
Seven Fingered Gloves (Titan Awakes)
Spectral Gloves (Sands)
Level-appropriate holy smiters/slashers/bashers with elemental effects
Good-aligned Ghost Touch weapons
Metalline Weapons
all-purpose: Keen of PG weapon for the main hand, Seeker of Backstabbing for the off-hand (light)
Which kind of items did I miss?
Which kind of weapon should I use as a main weapon before I will be able to use the GS rapier?