Some signs you know you will wipe in TOD.

- When the leader asks "how do you get to TOD?"
- When same leader says "Come in, we'll start." while short manned and asks "Why do we need two healers?"
- When you hear the question "What boots?"
- When instructions are given in voice chat and after a long pause you find out the kiter (who was the leader) doesn't have voice chat and has never done it before.
- When leader/kiter charges off the first platform and falls into the lava and dies 5 minutes into the quest (and wonders why he can't be raised or leave and re-enter).
- When you hear someone ask the cleric "Can you remove your curse?"

Oh well. It was a good group of people besides the leader/kiter (the cleric just ran into bad bit of luck) and at least we tried even though I suspect 19 out of 20 of us knew what was speeding toward us at 100 MPH.


-Why does someone join a group much less start a raid with no way to hear voice chat and not mention that fact?

I've heard (read) many people seem so surprised that the party is annoyed at finding this out half-way into a run. When the names are alternatingly turning green that means you are missing out on info (and nobody knows you are not getting the info). We are only talking about bacon and football scores 98% of the time. 2% of the time is important strategy.

-Why lead a high level raid having never done it before?

Well, new content sure. Guild run, OK. But at least tell people instead of letting them find out by general cluelessness. Have respect for others time by being honest.

-Why hurry along things you've never done recklessly?

This comes up a lot especially at lower levels. The person who is a first timer charging in, wanting to start short manned or not bother with buffs. Come one now. Have respect for others time by giving a little of your time to prepare. I've wasted more time trying to save a little time in this game then anything else I think.