For those who asked for more info
my profile page is up to date, the throwing axe (Maji) are only for the SP once buffed it 2x Khops
For those who asked for more info
my profile page is up to date, the throwing axe (Maji) are only for the SP once buffed it 2x Khops
Pwesiela - Completionist Arcane Archer; Pia - Silver Flame Assassin; Aes - of the Blue Ajah; Insene - Deathpriest; Enaila - Aiel Bodyguard; Uduk - Dwarven Meatwall; Vitalien -Warder
I was about at the same level as the OP at that level 340-350 HP. At 20 I'm sitting now at 417 which, while on the low side compared to a lot of melee characters, makes me pretty survivable across the board. If you can get to that point, you should be fine unless you're running quests as the only melee toon.
MY ranger is a 28-point elf, base 12 Con, a +2 tome to bring it to 14, Minos, +6 con, belt of greater false life, and a Green Steel HP item at Tier 2. So, even without a tome or a GS item you should be able to get over 400 by level 20 if you snag a +6 Con item and upgrade your False Life item. If you really invest some time an money and get a tome and craft a GS item for another 45 HP, you should be close to 500 HP. With evasion and the elemental resistances a ranger can cast, plus dusk or blur effect and/or stoneskin, in a decent party it should be really hard to take your character down.
My elf ranger stands at 545 at current, level 20. With all the buffs plus a store and yugo pot (mostly only when I'm in 'oh **** the horoth tank died and now its my turn' mode) she hits 705. I have an extra toughness feat in there that will eventually be dropped out in favor of Quickdraw after I collect a few tomes.
I do not yet have a +3 con tome or +1 exceptional on her.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye." - Miss Piggy
Someone ever tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back.~ Cpt. Mal Reynolds
~Peechie Keene~ THAC0
Well, true sort of.
Base character & ranger HP = 180
Base con 14, +6 item, +2 tome = 120
Toughness, 2 racial enhancement = 42
Minos, GFL, GS HP item = 95
Favor = 10
Total 447
So yes, you can reach it with regular non-epic stuff. Still, I wouldn't count on a new character having all these things the first times in shroud.
Madstone Boots come from the Reaver's Fate raid (Gianthold). They have a hidden effect: when you get hit while wearing them, Rage can proc by itself, so you can be double-madstoned if this happens while you have activated the Rage clicky on them.
I copied the link with the pic from this very useful thread: Definitive Static Rewards and Unique Loot Thread
If i haven't responded to your post, it doesn't necessarily mean that i don't have counter-arguments, it might simply mean that i don't want to keep feeding the trolls.
Plastic People
Hey! Hey!
To the OP, do not discount player skill as well, trust me, I have see too many times to count a low HP build outsurvive a high HP build simply because they know when to back off and use everything at their disposal.
I'm not saying all high HP builds are like this, many of them are great......but there are plenty that think because they have a ton of HP they are invincible......they usually tend to cause a lot of problems.
On the same token there are a lot of places in this game where if you don't have a certain amount of HP your chances of survival are greatly reduced just because of the sheer speed and/or damage your oppenent(s) can dish out in a single attack.....let alone consistent aggro.
With increased saves, dungeon alert, and random agrro AI it is a lot harder to control certain situations as well.
Yes and no, evasion does no good if you have a crappy reflex save, or wearing anything by cloth or light armor.
My exploiter is running it all the time, my base HP is 430. Since I haven't finished my hp cloak, I only wear it during some parts of the shroud. Rage and double madstone with that cloak tier 2 puts me at 555.
my 18ranger/2fighter has just under 500HP standin there,if I grind out my tod rings and greensteel stuff which I have never done I could have alot more,for shroud minimum should be around 350 or more,you can always take more than one toughness feat if needed.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
Officer of The Silver Legion
Knight Templar of Guild Medieval
For a new player, lvl17, your HP are fine. Yes there is room for improvement has others pointed out and pretty much all gave good advice.
Also, dont underestimate your own healing capabilities as a ranger, that will make up for for the HP you dont have (avoid madstone boots).
Avoiding madstone boots is just silly,you should have plenty of pots and a healer or somekind of healing around enough that the 2 mins it procs for is well worth it. I know on mine I can self heal for around 70 a tick with my madstones on thnx to the potency on them when it procs its not real hard to suck down a few potions,also Dr items can help a bit and if your silly enough to just stand in front of the enemy instead of movin around while beatin on it,you will just get smacked around anyway.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
Officer of The Silver Legion
Knight Templar of Guild Medieval
No. You're reading it right.
A pet peave of mine is screening people for gear (in this case HP items) and saying they do not have enough to complete the very raid that would give them the items they need to be competative.
If you look at lvl 14 melees, who used to complete the Shroud...before they had any ingrediants to craft GS items yet. They could not possibly have had the number of HP that people now say is required to melee Harry.
Yet somehow they did so.
Those people who have a ton of HP. In everycase will cite an exceptional Con item. A GS HP item. As if they just drop into their inventory at lvl 11.
The OP's char is lvl 19 I believe. His first char.
It is way easier to get to 20 then it is to craft good gear.
Should he improve? Yes. He should.
And will.
He may even roll his next toon and put lvl ups into Con.
But IMO, his HP are exactly where you would expect a new player's to be at this point in time. Even better in fact.
Somewhere along the line, people should start to get an idea of what quests they need to run a lot to try to get the gear to beef up their chars.
But it is most likely that they will get XP faster than the gear.
So will find their first char at 20 with what most would consider sub-optimal gear.
And those last few lvls will be hard earned.
Cause I have found that it is about lvl 18 that you really do need those extra HP.
Anyway, do the research. Learn what gear you can get and which quests to get it from.
Make an effort to grind those quests.
Look into a LR/GR. some feat exchanges.
Most of my chars between 17-20, I have made serious changes to. Visited the Ah, Fred, the DDO store. And beefed them up as much as I could affford to.
You are right at the level too.
Right at the spot in your career where you really start to understand what you need and plan for end game.
Don't be jealous or worry about how many HP some vet has. Or even tells you, you need.
Just educate yourself on how to get what you feel you need.
There is no magic number. But the more you have, the easier it is to take on the hardest content.