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  1. #41
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    Sorry, I have to disagree OP........the reason a lot of times why people are doing a great job killing is because they have an excellent healer with them.

    And then there are the times where the players are so uber they simply don't or rarely need which case I would be helping killing instead of healing.

    In the former the healer is the one who should be getting thanked for heals because if the healer wasn't on top of things the melees would probably be dying instead of killing or killing much slower due to having to self heal.

    In the latter I would be contributing to helping with killing, so why would I thank the "killers" either way?

  2. #42
    Community Member Cauthey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vVAnjilaVv View Post
    Sorry, I have to disagree OP........the reason a lot of times why people are doing a great job killing is because they have an excellent healer with them.

    And then there are the times where the players are so uber they simply don't or rarely need which case I would be helping killing instead of healing.

    In the former the healer is the one who should be getting thanked for heals because if the healer wasn't on top of things the melees would probably be dying instead of killing or killing much slower due to having to self heal.

    In the latter I would be contributing to helping with killing, so why would I thank the "killers" either way?
    What's wrong with being thankful/appreciative of everyone/anyone?

    If I see a mob blow up, presuming a critical hit or a crit spell, or a well placed spell, I will offer appreciation. It's not hard. Try it now: "That was a great hit...thank you!" "You really cut those dudes down...thank you!"

  3. #43
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Everytime someone thanks me for the heals, I always chime in "Thanks for the deeps!"

    Dunno, I think it's funny.
    ~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
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    ~ Ascent~

  4. #44
    Community Member sweez's Avatar
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    I hate this on my FvS. When I save their pathetic ass and bring upon myself another 10 minutes of sub-standard DPS, it's always "Thanks for the heals ". When I drop a few BBs and solo the quest however, it's never "Thanks for the BBs ".

    Comfortably [d|n]umb

    Weirdly / Annoyed of Khyber
    WanderLust EuroTrash

  5. #45
    Community Member BluWaterSeaWitch's Avatar
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    Default It's sad that it's expected, but yes clerics always get more thanks

    It’s standard to thank clerics for the heals, and I usually hear someone ask if they can be compensated for wands and pots.. I do agree that is a nice thing to do, but then if you look at the other side of the coin.. What about the casters that went through all their manna, chugged a few pots for crowd control (or that extra haste, etc. )? The melee that is going to have to spend lots of plat on a repair bill? Yes that should be on a different thread, but just a point that has to be made

    Yes clerics play there role and heal, just like the rest of the party plays its roll.

    What I don’t like and have heard it on more than one occasion.. When a chest is opened, the cleric then pops up with, oh I would love that, why don’t you show your cleric some love for the heals and give me that?

    I try to acknowledge all members of the party with a thanks for the great run.

  6. #46
    Community Member TitoJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vVAnjilaVv View Post
    Sorry, I have to disagree OP........the reason a lot of times why people are doing a great job killing is because they have an excellent healer with them.

    And then there are the times where the players are so uber they simply don't or rarely need which case I would be helping killing instead of healing.

    In the former the healer is the one who should be getting thanked for heals because if the healer wasn't on top of things the melees would probably be dying instead of killing or killing much slower due to having to self heal.

    In the latter I would be contributing to helping with killing, so why would I thank the "killers" either way?
    I don't see how you're disagreeing with me, I guess in a way I do. I've already stated that great fighters open up the healer to do much more than just heal, so sure you might get a kill here and there. So we agree here?

    Also, the fact that you're opening statement is factually wrong, you can't be disagreeing with me, you have to be disagreeing with reality. Unless nobody told me, and Mass Heal now gives fighters a +6 attack bonus, +10 dr, +50 damage, 90ac, and 100 extra're healing has nothing to do with how well a fighter is killing.

    And the fact that you're healing them, is a trade of to the fact that they're making sure mobs don't decimate you. Great healers will make sure melee stays up, great melee will take as little damage as possible, and take down mobs as quicly as possible.

  7. #47
    Community Member TitoJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cauthey View Post
    What's wrong with being thankful/appreciative of everyone/anyone?

    If I see a mob blow up, presuming a critical hit or a crit spell, or a well placed spell, I will offer appreciation. It's not hard. Try it now: "That was a great hit...thank you!" "You really cut those dudes down...thank you!"

    My honest belief is that when DDO came into existence, nobody wanted to roll a healer. Then, there came "The One".

    The One brought heals to all, and was worshiped by whatever group he decided to entertain. They soon realized their power with being the only DDO healer on the planet, and demanded that everyone bring to him/her sacrifices of wands, and plat to even be considered.

    Everyone did so, and The Ego of The One was born. The One used The Ego to boss people around, to make sweeping claims about how much he/she was needed, and to remind everyone that they would just be a huge pile of DDO dps with no possible way to exist without him/her.

    Then, there came The Other. It was believed that The Other had solo'd the Goodblade quests, however none could verify that story. The Other was quickly gaining a reputation for not having yet set foot in a quest with The One, yet still gaining on level 3.

    The One became very displeased when this news, and set out to disprove all the rumors, and silence The One for good.

    So there they were, stepping into The Low Road together. As they zoned in, The One said "I don't think we can do this without a rogue". The Other remained silent.

    In the blink of an eye, The Other was off! The One cried out in disbelief "Don't run ahead without the healer! I haven't even buffed us yet! You're going to die!"

    But before he could even utter the words, The Other had run into a room full of kobolds, and the door slammed shut before The One could get there. "Oh great, you're blocked. Why are you taking damage?!" said The One.

    The doors popped open, and much to The One's surprise, The Other jumped back out at him, ran back up the incline, pulle the switch again, and darted down the opposite side!

    "OMG!" squealed The One, "Their's traps in that room! Wait for me I have a resist pot!" The Other appeared to not be listening to anything! How could this be? How could anyone get through a quest without a healer?

    As The One made his way to the next room, there was steep drop off, and he could make out The Other running up ladders, opening doors, pulling levers, IT WAS CHAOS! The One pleaded "You're running all around, come back! Heals on me". Still no response.

    Splash! The Other was in the water. "You need water breathing!" The One screamed.

    The One made his way through the underwater tunnel, and upon his emergence from the water, he bolted up a ladder, and found The Other going toe to toe with a witch doctor and some oozes! The battle raged on, The One tried to throw out a heal, and suddenly....The Other and the witch doctor dropped to the ground at the same time.

    The Other finally spoke "Incap". The One approached him triumphantly, and said "Now you see, this is what happens when you zerg!"

    The Other said "Dude, he's dead. Just run up there and complete"

    The One started to /dance, and laugh. "I hope you've learned your lesson"

    The Other sighed "Yeah, yeah. But hey, can you target me and type ./death without the period? It'll kill me, then you can say I died, because me just being incap doesn't prove a thing...technically, I'm still alive."

    So The One, typed out /death, and DING! The Other laughed, and said "Nice ******bag, now we both have negative xp" as he realeased.

    From this point on it has always been debated whether or not you actually need a cleric for 95% of ddo...

    Not sure, but that's how I imagined clerics being unthankful ***** happened...

  8. #48
    Community Member Rydin_Dirtay's Avatar
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    That sounds like Gornn 6:17 to me. It is a long tale of danger, mischief, and High Adventure (tm).
    Khyber:Greenberry, Jemric, Qashta, Leuk, Thurradal + many others

  9. #49
    Community Member TitoJ's Avatar
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    Good lord...did somebody actually read that!


  10. #50
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    Fairly new 5 lv 10 toons like the cleric the most getting to 12 now, I always thank the team for a smooth run, call out the CCer and thank him personally for making my job easy, thank the dps for without them it would take much longer if ever. Then thank the dps again if they are somewhat self reliant so I can actually throw some offensive spells, (hey its what I like doing, but team up time has to come first. their dps > my dps) Still learning the quests/healing/CC and having a blast doing it.

    I get thanked for the heals/dps and even sometimes getting the CCs down. I do greatly appreciate it when someone hands me a mem. pot or a heal wand they got in a chest. I even offer mem pots to wiz/sorcs if I can spare or they are empty.

    I mostly played melee dps on other mmos and I can understand why they thank the healers (assuming they are watching out for you.) They are watching you, not everyone's gig. I don't mind it, but not everyone loves it. Rolling a cleric/fvs/bard does not mean they HAVE to heal you. Yes they have the mechanics to do it, but what about other play styles where thats not their main focus? I love a FVS that is mainly melee built that says, "Hey I am mainly a melee, but I will back up heal so feel free to throw out your offensive spells as you want."

    If I see some melee or spell caster rip a mob a new one, I always give them encourgement "Holy! get it! you just railed on that thing!" CCer's that have it under control... "Should I just dance here? can you get me a pet too! You make this look easy." What ever, its just a game if its enjoyable thank them for allowing you to a good time playing with them, if they are stressing the hell out of you... quichie zergers that run far away from the team on elite quests, die, complain, then get beratted by the rest of the team... calm everyone down make a small space in your bags for their stones and carry them around with you. Pull out the stone and start to place it around the room asking if it looks good there are not.

    Am I the only one that likes the design of the soul stone?

    In short if you had a good time, thank them for the fun and making it easy or fun. If you didn't have a good time, thank them then just don't team with them again.

    Perspective of a noob...

  11. #51
    Community Member pSINNa's Avatar
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    When people drop out of a group i'm in, and specially if i'm leading, i always yell out 'thanks for grouping' before they go.

    I love seeing a good strategic trip or stun, i always call them out, 'nice trip, nice stun, sweet fod, beautiful fascinate',etc.

    When people join my raids, i always thank them for joining, when the raid is done i always let everyone know they did a great job, and again, thank them for joining and wish them luck with their raid loot.

    I don't discriminate (:P) by class, or guild. They came, they kicked some, we completed, thankyou .

    (and yeh, when i'm on my healers, which is more often then not, i actually feel a little uncomfortable when someone thanks me for a heal, it's weird, but maybe that's just me).

    Coit out~
    Last edited by pSINNa; 12-09-2010 at 11:49 PM.
    Coitfluff Coitrippr Luciforge Coitburner Coithealz: Ghallanda

  12. #52
    Community Member vVAnjilaVv's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TitoJ View Post
    I don't see how you're disagreeing with me, I guess in a way I do. I've already stated that great fighters open up the healer to do much more than just heal, so sure you might get a kill here and there. So we agree here?

    Also, the fact that you're opening statement is factually wrong, you can't be disagreeing with me, you have to be disagreeing with reality. Unless nobody told me, and Mass Heal now gives fighters a +6 attack bonus, +10 dr, +50 damage, 90ac, and 100 extra're healing has nothing to do with how well a fighter is killing.

    And the fact that you're healing them, is a trade of to the fact that they're making sure mobs don't decimate you. Great healers will make sure melee stays up, great melee will take as little damage as possible, and take down mobs as quicly as possible.
    HMMM...well lets put it this way....a mass heal in many instances gives everything you mentioned that it doesn't for the fact that if that fighter was not getting your mass heal they would probably be dead in a lot of which case their stats would be zero in everything...seems your the one who has the reality problem.

    Sorry but in places where the killers simply have to have heals to do their jobs......the healer > than the killers period. The killers aren't killing anything if they are dead.

    Does a Shroud or ToD complete because of the killers, in part yes, they have to be a good build, and have devent gear, but the same goes for the healer as put that aside......why does the raid complete......because the killers were kept alive by the healers.

    Take as little damage as possible...that is very humorous especially when there are so many places in the game where taking minimal damage will still mean the healer has to be on top of the whole thing to keep everyone up.

    I guess it really comes down to how desperate the healer is to get a quest done......I will admit there are a lot of things a healer is not going to do without good offense with them....however if the dungeon/quest is that dangerous......the offense would be nothing without the healer most likely.

    Well, I know where this post is headed, so I will scratch it off my list.........when the melees thank me for my heals I will thank them for their kills.....if it does not cost me a boatload of mnemonics and scrolls. A real healer is not simply a healbot, they fully utilize their character, which means the good characters that are capable of healing also use the other powers of their class, which mean they have to buy/grind for weapons, items...etc just like every other class.

    Yeah if ur just some gimpy healbot, and that's all you can do, I can see thanking people for their kills, I don't play healbots tho, and I personally think they are one of the weakest builds in the game.

  13. #53
    Community Member Cauthey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TitoJ View Post
    Good lord...did somebody actually read that!

    I enjoy your posts. And that had the beginnings of a mildly entertaining mythology of the present day healer. But...

    tl; dr.

  14. #54
    Community Member TitoJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vVAnjilaVv View Post

    Well, I know where this post is headed, so I will scratch it off my list.........
    I think you should have quit while you were ahead ....unless you're just trying to promote purple as the new color of ignorance....then by all means, keep up the good work.

    I recommend that any dps that knows you in game quit killing mid battle the next time a "dungeon/quest is that dangerous", while you are spamming your heals and see how far you get lol.

    I mean props to you if you're main healing and doing the most damage and crowd control all at the same time, throughout the majority of the dungeons you do...which is the only thing that would make your statements reasonable.

  15. #55
    Community Member TitoJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cauthey View Post
    I enjoy your posts. And that had the beginnings of a mildly entertaining mythology of the present day healer. But...

    tl; dr.
    Amazing what happens when you're working a late shift....mwahaha.

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