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  1. #1
    Community Member TitoJ's Avatar
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    Default Thankyou for your KILLS!

    The last part of my clerics bio goes something to the effect of "Don't thank me for my heals. When's the last time a pouty, demanding, POS cleric has thanked you for killing?"

    Well built, well played melee and casters make healing 95% of DDO so easy, a caveman could do it. Healers get too much credit, not to say a great cleric shouldn't be able to heal through most pug adversities. (percentage based on figures issued from "Out of Your Ass" publications).

    I'm just saying, I know there's clerics out there who do indeed say "thankyou for killing!", and well met my friends. But it's not considered the standard, like saying "thanks" for someone topping your hp off is.

    I've been leveling a wizzie , and throughout all of GH, the times I've heard sub-par healers get thanked, is ridiculous. While I'm sitting there spamming PK, FOD, Holds, Ottos, and all the buffs I can muster, and I've yet to hear it, and the melee's cutting through mobs like butter haven't heard it either.

    I'm not ASKING for it either. I'm actually just asking that congratulating everyone at quest completion, and saying thanks and good job to everyone become standard, and well enough gratitude for all. Not the majority going to one person due to the icon they possess on the party bar.

    This thread is not designed to put down healers, or their role. I can appreciate any well played class whether I'm on my cleric, barb, wizzie, or bard. I'm not about to spam thanks to one class though, especially with no regard their playing ability.

  2. #2
    Community Member Cauthey's Avatar
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    I always try to thank those that aid with buffs or heals, primarily because I want them to know that they are appreciated, and that I do not take them for granted.

    There are many players that just kind of expect the cleric to keep them healed, no matter how tank or how squishy they are. And there are many players that expect to receive the gamut of buffs from the resident cleric or arcane.

    I don't. I appreciate each little spell that's cast and wand that's wiggled my way. And I usually try to make a point to share that appreciation with giving thanks.

    I appreciate the kills, too, for sure. I will also share "Wow!"s and other appreciative remarks when the melees tear down the tough mobs quickly.

  3. #3
    Community Member Khanyth's Avatar
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    My 2 cents..........

    My thanks depends on how the run goes. If it is a smooth run, I thank everyone for a good, smooth run. If someone has gone above and beyond the call of duty (healing, nuking, leading the group, teaching me how to run a quest/raid) I send them an individual thank you tell.

    But I do regularily thank my casters, both divine and arcane. Not just for a$$-saving heals/rezes but for buffs and ccontrol too

  4. #4
    Community Member TitoJ's Avatar
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    Yeah, this isn't coming across that it shouldn't be in somebody's nature to thank someone. I just don't like there being some ingrained thing where a person, no matter how badly they actually play, gets rewarded with an overabundance of gratitude, simply because of the class they decided to roll.

    I mean you know I've been the cause of wipes on my cleric, and you do not get the same criticism usually, as you would if your barbarian caused a wipe.

    Why? I've sucked plenty as a cleric and a barbarian never gets thanks though.

  5. #5
    Community Member TitoJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khanyth View Post
    My 2 cents..........

    My thanks depends on how the run goes. If it is a smooth run, I thank everyone for a good, smooth run. If someone has gone above and beyond the call of duty (healing, nuking, leading the group, teaching me how to run a quest/raid) I send them an individual thank you tell.

    But I do regularily thank my casters, both divine and arcane. Not just for a$$-saving heals/rezes but for buffs and ccontrol too
    This is really what should be considered standard. More often than not, though, the healers receive unending thanks, even though melee's and casters have done a huge amount to take the "healbot" burden off of them, and loosen up their ability to just play DDO. I love playing my cleric when I don't have to worry about Mr. Squishy Tank almost dying through every little fight.

  6. #6
    Community Member Chette's Avatar
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    Whenever I play my cleric and somebody says thanks for the heals I always say thanks for the killing. I think it helps reinforce the idea that we are all part of a team, and all contributing in our own way. A cleric or favoured soul is not a slave to the party, running around healing them as a duty or favour. They are doing so because it is a particular skill that their class possesses and aids the party in a speedy completion.
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  7. #7
    Community Member FuzzyDuck81's Avatar
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    I'll usually say thanks for a nice big stack of buffs (especially if its stuff i ask for its only polite), or for a particularly timely heal, but not usually for EVERY bit of healing or buff top-up
    I used to be with it, but then they changed what it was, now what's it is weird and scary to me.

  8. #8
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Personally I'm more inclined to thank healers when they save a crappy group, otherwise in a generally good run I am more inclined to say to everyone "thanks for the smooth run". But...

    Healers get thanked for the same reason goal keepers get credit. Doesn't matter what is is going well, if your goal keeper sucks you will lose, and if they are good they can save a crappy team.

    One melee more or less or one caster more or less makes less of a difference.

  9. #9
    Community Member clkpacker's Avatar
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    I love that virtuallythe only time I get thanks on my cleric is when someone is two HP from death and I toss a heal. Except in certain quests and situations, the only time someone is two HP from death is when I haven't been paying attention. Had I been doing my job, you wouldn't be in danger lol.

  10. #10
    Founder Arlith's Avatar
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    If a cleric does a great job when things go wonky, I will thank him/her. I would do the same for anyone else (melee, caster or specialist).

    If I just got out of a group with a horrible cleric and my new group has an excellent cleric, I will thank him/her. I would do the same for anyone else (melee, caster or specialist).

    If I do something stupid and the cleric saves my bacon when I know they should have let me die, I will thank him/her. I would do the same for anyone else (melee, caster or specialist).

    We must combat all the negativity!

    Keeping things positive and polite is a great way of preventing:

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  11. #11
    Community Member TitoJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien_the_First_One View Post
    Personally I'm more inclined to thank healers when they save a crappy group, otherwise in a generally good run I am more inclined to say to everyone "thanks for the smooth run". But...

    Healers get thanked for the same reason goal keepers get credit. Doesn't matter what is is going well, if your goal keeper sucks you will lose, and if they are good they can save a crappy team.

    One melee more or less or one caster more or less makes less of a difference.
    See, anyone can cause a party wipe. Anyone can save a party wipe. Class or role in group is meaningless. Game play is everything.

    I've seen clerics save groups, I've seen melee and casters sucking down heal pots finishing off mobs and bringing everyone back to the shrine.

    Healers get the most undue credit than any other class.

    I've seen sub-par healers not able to keep up, get thanked, even after a party wipe. I have yet to see a melee cause a party wipe, and get thanked because he was still the top of the kill count.

  12. #12
    Community Member TitoJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arlith View Post
    If a cleric does a great job when things go wonky, I will thank him/her. I would do the same for anyone else (melee, caster or specialist).

    If I just got out of a group with a horrible cleric and my new group has an excellent cleric, I will thank him/her. I would do the same for anyone else (melee, caster or specialist).

    If I do something stupid and the cleric saves my bacon when I know they should have let me die, I will thank him/her. I would do the same for anyone else (melee, caster or specialist).

    We must combat all the negativity!

    You're talking about something different here. I'm talking about undue're speaking of people acting in a way that warrants credit. Which I can relate to, and have certainly done.

  13. #13
    Community Member der_kluge's Avatar
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    Anything that encourages MORE people to play clerics and FvS probably isn't a bad thing.
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  14. #14
    Community Member flynnjsw's Avatar
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    Maybe your mileage varies, but I have seen the divine casters take the blame more often than not for a wipe. It may or may not even be the case (was the divines fault). Now in most cases, I just say good run, but if someone does something to pull our biscuits out of the pan, then I will try to recognize that person.

  15. #15
    Community Member TitoJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flynnjsw View Post
    Maybe your mileage varies, but I have seen the divine casters take the blame more often than not for a wipe. It may or may not even be the case (was the divines fault). Now in most cases, I just say good run, but if someone does something to pull our biscuits out of the pan, then I will try to recognize that person.
    Divine casters taking undue blame is another topic, and does happen.

    Also, most runs I run are good runs. Very few times do I encounter terrible all around parties. But I always hear the thanks going to clerics before anyone else.

    However I'm not just talking about extreme circumstances. I'm talking about your run of the mill quests, and clerics soak up the thanks like they did something spectacular, when you obviously could have run the quests self-healing.

    Like I said, it's almost like a known thing, you have to thank clerics. Are they fragile beings that need all this? I know I get irked more often than not, when I'm not doing anything spectacular.

  16. #16
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    A sensible party makeup usually ends up with 1 or 2 healers per party/raid. 80% is often pure melee DPS. That makes the healer more of a single point of failure than other roles where a mistake isn't so critical.

    Many fighters consider melee action a more visceral, stimulating experience than is given by a healer role so they may thank the healer for allowing them to play the role they enjoy.

    Any good healer can usually do at least one other thing pretty well in addition to filling the healing role so the rest of the party often thanks a player for forgoing their personal DPS to keep the party up for completion.

    Often you'll see classes capable of great healing ignore that aspect of their class so it's being more and more common to thank those who fill that role for not being a knob.
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  17. #17
    Community Member TitoJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MeToo View Post
    A sensible party makeup usually ends up with 1 or 2 healers per party/raid. 80% is often pure melee DPS. That makes the healer more of a single point of failure than other roles where a mistake isn't so critical.

    Many fighters consider melee action a more visceral, stimulating experience than is given by a healer role so they may thank the healer for allowing them to play the role they enjoy.

    Any good healer can usually do at least one other thing pretty well in addition to filling the healing role so the rest of the party often thanks a player for forgoing their personal DPS to keep the party up for completion.

    Often you'll see classes capable of great healing ignore that aspect of their class so it's being more and more common to thank those who fill that role for not being a knob.
    I guess I just haven't found a lack of getting groups (yes pugs) together that can complete whatever quest I'm after.

    So with that, and the fact that I often play a cleric, and know how great it is when you have overly competent casters and melee, I personally put the cleric on a lower pedestal. Mainly because I know how easy great melee's and casters really make the healing aspect. They free up clerics to do so much more than just "healbot".

    Yes, you'll have quests where you need to hold back and just heal, but the majority of the time, when you have a decent party, you're free to do what you will as a cleric. Which puts the value of competent fighters and casters WAY up.

    You also gotta figure that for people like me, after playing tanks, rogues, and casters on WoW, ddo melee dps and tanking is just plain boring gameplay.

    So while you do have fighters who would never play a healer, you also have healers who don't prefer dps. It really goes both ways, because I bore quickly with DDO melee. I have a lvl 14 barb that's just sitting there, my highest level melee char.
    Last edited by TitoJ; 12-07-2010 at 01:57 PM.

  18. #18
    Community Member Rydin_Dirtay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TitoJ View Post
    This thread is not designed to put down healers, or their role. I can appreciate any well played class whether I'm on my cleric, barb, wizzie, or bard. I'm not about to spam thanks to one class though, especially with no regard their playing ability.
    My bard can heal well. But I rarely get thanked for healing on her. But when I play my Cleric, I get thanked all the time for the hjeals. Does the white icon make me somehow "thankworthy"????
    Khyber:Greenberry, Jemric, Qashta, Leuk, Thurradal + many others

  19. #19
    Community Member TitoJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rydin_Dirtay View Post
    My bard can heal well. But I rarely get thanked for healing on her. But when I play my Cleric, I get thanked all the time for the hjeals. Does the white icon make me somehow "thankworthy"????
    Exactly, right? Doesn't make any sense...something about that icon people love. Funny thing is, I always got thanked on my bard back when I actually player her gimpness!

    But that was after trying to convince groups I actually could solo heal groups for lvl 11 and below quests, and that no we don't need a cleric, and yes I can rez your ass and yes it's costing me plat, and no I don't care if it does.

  20. #20
    Community Member Elyanna's Avatar
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    Last night in ToD I had to thank the bard for keeping my squishy (ac in low 50's) monk alive while I held the Jailer in a corner awaiting the death of the Judge so the rest of the party could come and mop the Jailer up. This bard did an awesome job keeping me alive and when we killed the Jailer I said "Thanks for the heals" and got a response about how squishy I am. I reply "Yes I know I'm squishy that's why I hated holding his agro."
    Got a question the answer may be on the wiki!

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