A numeric comparison of Quarterstaff vs. Unarmed for the Average Clonk Build
Ok, Here's what I've found by looking into the numbers side of Quarterstaff vs. Unarmed Attacks.
Spreadsheet Link
Assumptions (Theres a lot!)
Unarmed Clonk: Str, Dex, Con and Wis based character
Quarterstaff: Str, Con, Wis and Cha based character
Strength: Strength is assumed as 26 for both characters. A Moderate amount in hindsight, but one that shows a more average players likely ending strength score.
Criticals: It is assumed that neither character has improved critical for there respective weapon or chosen fighting style. A case could be made for Rahls Might, but at thus stage I've left absolute weapons out. This allows for a better direct comparison of the fighting styles.
Magical Effects 1: Base Weapons: In the initial Case Scenarios, a +5 Weapon / +5 Holy Burst weapon of Pure Good is assumed.
Magical Effects 2: ToD Rings: To be fair to unarmed fighting potential, I have included a late game scenario where dual ToD rings with Holy Burst and Shocking Burst has been crafted to improve damage output. A Quarterstaff based monk would spend the same time farming and crafting, but possibly for other Clonk related effects (Greater Devotion 8, Exc. Str +2 or Exc. Wis +2 are all possibilities).
Divine Might: Due to the high base attribute required, the Unarmed fighter is assumed to only achieve at best Divine Might rank 1 for +2 Damage. The Quarterstaff fighter is assumed to achieve Divine Might rank 3 for +6 damage.
Greensteel: I have not included a Greensteel weapon for Quarterstaff fighting, in this first round. Again, this is to leave out explicit weapon case scenarions to give a better feel for unarmed style vs. quarterstaff style.
Speed: Speed of Attack is ignored. These damage calculations work over amount of damage generated from a set number of swings. Although there is an argument for the speed improvement of unarmed attacks versus weaponed two weapon fighting, Quarterstaff swings faster than other equivalent THF weapons. For the purposes of calculating damage over set number swings, this is ignored.
Glancing Blows: The initial set of calculations assumes Glancing Blows generated against main target only. Later calculations may include case scenarions where more than one target is within range.
Formula Discussions
No. of Attacks: The Case scenarions are worked out over a series of 20 attack. The first attack is assumed an automatic miss, while the 20th attack is assumed a confirmed critical attack as both unarmed and quarterstaff fighting share the same 20/x2 critical hit profile.
Offhand Hand Attacks: Offhand attacks are assumed the Unarmed fighter has the full Two Weapon Fighting chain, and thus strikes at 80% efficiency (16 attack out of 20).
Glancing Blows: Glancing Blows are calculated on the 1st, 3rd and 4th attacks, ie 75% efficiency (15 attacks out of 20).
Chance to Hit: Chance to hit is taken as hitting enemy mob on 2+, and thus the first main attack is calculated as an automatic miss. Offhand and Glancing Blow attacks are all calculated as hitting but not causing any critical hits.
Calculation Obversations
Strength: Strength applies at 1x on a main hand attack and at 0.5x on the offhand attack. Combined, this is a total 1.5x modifier to strength when both a Main Hand attack and Offhand attack is delivered. For THF, Strenght counts at 1.5x on the main attack. As strength is factored into the base damage amount, this means that strength is applied at 0.75x on the Glancing Blow. Thus Strenght is actually applied at 2.25x when both a main hand attack and glancing blow attack are delivered.
Power Attack: Despite the gain of 2x PA Damage for THF, The same amount of damage applies to an offhand attack for unarmed fighting. However, PA Damage also applies to the base damage amount, and thus GTHF Glancing Blow receives 50% of this applied damage. Thus, PA counts 2x for TWF and 2.5x for THF when both an Offhand or Glancing Blow are delivered.
Divine Might: Again, Divine Might applies to the base damage roll of both the Mainhand and Offhand attacks when TWF. THF also count Divine Might into the base main hand damage, and thus TWF counts Divine Might 2x and and THF counts Divine Might 1.5x when both an Offhand or Glancing Blow is rolled.
Divine Favour: DF counts at base +3 to damage for both a Mainhand attack and for an offhand attack in the TWF style, and thus counts at 2x when both attacks are delivered. For THF, the Divine Favour bonus is counted as a base damage modifier, and thus 0.5x damage of DF is applied to Glancing Blows. DF thus counts at 1.5x for THF when both a main hand attack and a glancing blow is delivered.
Case Scenarios
1) +5 Weapon, Power Attack, Strength 26
Unarmed DPS: 744 total
Quarterstaff DPS: 854 Total
Percentage Difference: Quarterstaff leads by 15% over unarmed
The initial scenario pits justs the basics against each other here: a normal +5 Weapon, Strength, Power Attack and base weapon damage itself. Averaged out with offhand attacks and Glancing Blows vs. a single target the Quarterstaff wins out. This is due to the hidden influence of Strength and Power Attack on the Glancing Blow damage.
2) As Case Scenario 1 - Weapon upgraded to +5 Holy Burst of Pure Good
Unarmed DPS: 1152
Quarterstaff: 1084
Percentage Difference: Unarmed leads by 6%
Static linear factors such as average damage from magical effects work in significant favour of unarmed attacks. Glancing Blows work well with increases to base damage - additional effects will benefit unarmed TWF much more. As a simple mathematical multiplier, each magical effect improves TWF by 2x while it only improves THF at 1.09x (counted as 1.1x in the spreadsheet for ease of representation).
3) As Case Scenario 2 - Divine Favour and Divine Might integrated
Unarmed DPS: 1323
Quarterstaff: 1336
Percentage Difference: Negligible
This scenario again highlights the increasing fact base damage increases really influence the Quarterstaff numbers. This is perhaps the most 'optimal' scenario a Clonk will experience, outside of Raid loot and ToD rings. And its a dead heat, pretty much.
One significant factor in the calculation cannot be overlooked however - this situations are calculated using with only a single main target and thus only 1 Glancing Blow being produced per swing. With more targets in Range, Glancing Blows produce significantly more DPS (will look into actual numbers later).
4) As Case Scenario 3 - ToD Rings with Holy Burst and Shocking Burst
Unarmed DPS: 1667
Quarterstaff DPS: 1336.5 (Unchanged from Case 3).
Percentage Difference: Unarmed leads by around ~24%
So once your all geared up with ToD rings, Unarmed strips ahead by 24% give or take. The only way in this situation for Quarterstaff fighting to keep up is to produce more glancing blows, which means standing in bigger packs of mobs - doable, depending on your Clonk build.
Overall Conclusion
In all in all, if you are fully raid equipped and willing to sacrifice your ToD Rings slots to melee magical effect damage, then Unarmed is the choice in single target DPS situations. This also assumes you are fighting mobs fully susceptible to your magical effects attacks.
If you want better base damage numbers with the potential of larger damage versus greater enemy mobs, or if you want to spend your ToD Ring Slots on exceptional stats or Greater Devotion VIII, then Quarterstaff is your choice.
I think I'll go away and look at specific weapon situations. It's obvious to me now that a Rahls Might isn't the greatest weapon of choice when comparing with the possibilities of unarmed fighting. Despite its D10 base damage and x3 Critical multiplier, there isnt enough critical action in a Clonk build to warrant this as a weapon choice outside of Epic trash beating. That said, I think this is one of the better staff I would want for beating down an Epic Trash mob, and glancing blows would be stellar in a pack of Held Mobs as well. An Unspressed Dreamspitter also make this list here, but more for the level draining aspect on auto crits.
Glancing Blow analysis is warranted. It fairly easy to farm a group of Mobs together to better utilise Glancing Blows.