I am about to start leveling my first clonk, and I have had so many thoughts about how to build him. Races, stats, feats, hair styles, skills, and damage output. Most 17/3 builds are built around staying centered, otherwise they would have stopped at 2 lvls of monk. Only other thing a 3rd lvl monk brings to a build is healing amp.
So basically Clonk melee is narrowed down to these options:
Pros-Most likely the highest DPS choice, wraps+ToD rings, full off hand bonuses, etc.
Cons-Costs 3 feats to max out DPS with fists, no Greensteel wraps, harder to beat harry
Pros-Can be useful if crafted for casting or AC, sorta cool looking(?)
Cons- Horrible DPS weapon due to low base damage, terrible crit profile, and costs 3 feats to use "effectively"
Pros- no feats required, 1.5x str mod for damage, double power attack damage, GS/Rahl's might/dreamspitter are pretty effective compared to named/GS kamas.
Cons-lower DPS(maybe) than fists, can't dual-wield for casting purposes.
Pros- Cool looking sorta like kamas(lol), best crit profile available to a centered monk, Dual-wieldable for casting or fighting puposes.
Cons-DPS is pretty lame for the HUGE list of feats needed, -2 to-hit for TWF...-2 more for oversized....Blah
So those are the basic choices for melee if you want to stay centered.
Can I get some opinions on each? Experiences that would sway you in one direction or another? Anything I overlooked? I have one Question concerning damage. How does the Staff compare to unarmed when you consider GS possibilities and glancing blows? Also consider the feat cost for each. Is the staff option complete garbage? Is it even worth swinging a staff or is it completely useless? I hoped to use the extra feat slots to help my clonk's casting...