looking for a good cleric build...whats the best race....should i max the wis. out just looking for a build that works
looking for a good cleric build...whats the best race....should i max the wis. out just looking for a build that works
The best build is usually your second or third one.
So far, do you prefer casting or melee? Pick the offensive casting cleric or the melee capable cleric (or perhaps a battle cleric) from the 2010 build catalog, and take it to level 20. Once you get there, you'll be able to answer the question yourself better than anyone else could.
Clerics are fairly versatile, and there are a ton of playstyle options with clerics - common ones are melee capable, battle cleric, healbot, turn-specced, offensive casting cleric, monk splash, or a solo-focused 17/2/1 build. The best cleric build for you depends upon which races you have available, whether you have 32 point builds, and which p2p classes you have access to (such as monk). Mostly though, it depends on how you enjoy playing.
If you want to do offensive casting, you'll likely regret starting with anything lower than 18 wis (along with all 5 level-ups to wis). The melee-capable cleric is a decent all-around build that will let you blow through lower levels while still having good healing abilities and decent casting, although I'd rather have 20 levels of cleric myself. Empower healing is almost mandatory now with Radiant Servant, and I personally prefer casting feats instead of improved critical or power attack since your spells will be more effective than your sword arm after level 11.
There is no one best way to build a Cleric, as there are several builds that "work". You can't go wrong with the following option, though-
Max Wis (minimum 16)
At least 14 CON
At least 10-12 STR
Rest in CHA for turns or more STR for melee'ing.
Max Life Magic
Max crit chance
Minimum 2 tiers Wand and Scroll Mastery
Racial Toughness Maxxed
Radiant Servant and it's pre-reqs
Feats (the bare minimums, flesh out how you want)
Toughness (Take early)
Empower Healing (Around levels 1-6)
Quicken (around level 12)
(Extend is nice for both melee, pure healer and Offesive caster)
(Empower for pure healer and Offensive caster)
(For melee, Power attack, Improved Crit Xxxxx
Bam. There you go.
As for gear, Highest WIS item, Highest Potency/Devotion, Highest CON and False life, Highest striders.
All else is gravy and fine tuning.
~ Pallai, Chennai, Saraphima~
~Shipbuff, Sophalia, Northenstar ~
~ Ascent~