Hi guys, I have a doubt make a GS item with +5 Reflex Save (Resistance), +1 Fort Save (Insight) - +3 AC (deflection), +3 saves (resistance), +10 balance, +20 hp , +3 Str Skills - Elemental Mastery (+1 d6 acid, electric, fire, cold, 10-20% for each). And I wonder if the +3 AC (deflection), +3 saves (resistance) will stack with Heightened Awareness (+4 insight bonus to AC), Protection +5 (Deflection bonus) and Resistance +5 from my armor DT?

Thank you for your attention and await answers

Alts - Argonessem
Usbing (Light Monk 6)
Valenttina Alecseva (Dark Monk 20)
Sarahaiana Forgottem Memories (Ranger 11/fighter1/ monk1)