been a member of ddo may 2006..looking for a fun relaxed guild..:
been a member of ddo may 2006..looking for a fun relaxed guild..:
Hello. My character (Sunarch Kunari and Aurell) are on Khyber and in a new recruiting guild. You can message them or the founder (Deathhdemonn). If you don't choose us, I hope you get a good guild. ^^
Check us out we are fun relaxed adult guild!
ashlick , bizkit, boobooface, breeewind, breunorson, crystalin, dreamless, drunkenorc, earthborn, elation, elazibeth, firesavant, ftwjust, gabrrielle, hiting, idelisa, inactive,jessamyne, keeblerorc,keighra, killia, layniebug, lmyc, mealltach, nicholete, ravinclaws, sapphiire, tairrdelbach, teenny