I've been working on a Stalwart Defender build for some time now and I was hoping that some of you who have made them can answer a few questions about the actual bonuses they receive.
1. Stalwart Defender I, II, and III all state that the enhancement "grants additional armor class and damage reduction when blocking with a shield."
Q: What exactly is the bonus to Damage Reduction and Armor Class WHILE BLOCKING for each tier?
2. Stalwart Defender II states that the enhancement "increases your maximum dexterity bonus allowed by heavy armor and shields"
Q: What is the bonus to max dex for heavy armor and shield? I have been led to believe it is a +1 bonus each.
3. Stalwart Defender III states that the enhancement "increases your maximum dexterity bonus allowed by medium or heavy armor and shields"
Q: What is the bonus to max dex for medium or heavy armor and shield? I have been led to believe it is a +1 bonus each.
4. Lastly, each enhancement offers that "You may expend a use of Fighter action boost to to enter a defensive stance."
Q: What is the duration of the defensive stance? Is it the standard 15 second click or does it operate similar to Combat Expertise or Power Attack?
Thanks a ton for taking the time to clear this up for me!