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  1. #1
    Founder Jonathan_Lonehawk's Avatar
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    Default Help a Rogue to 20

    My fellow forum fanatics -- I am a human 32 pt STR based 18th level Khopesh assassin. No greensteel gear, but I have dragontouched armor and pretty good weapons. All I want to do is get to 20th and TR to get out of being a Rogue. I loved it in the beginning but soloing sucks at the higher levels.

    I tend play at odd hours 'cause of work and unfortunately most of my guild is not on when I get a chance to play. So I tend to solo. Any quests my level that will get me the xp to reach 20 and do that TRing that I hear so much about? I'd rather not PUG and have been doing slayers and explorers in GH and the Vale for the XP, but that's rather slow. So any quests that allow me to solo them would be much appreciated.


  2. #2
    Community Member Consumer's Avatar
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    Your going to have to PUG raids to get good enough gear so that people will take you into endgame raids.

    TRing without good gear will make running quests painful and boring as well.

    Start running raids and get some gear. VoD for Tharne's and Shroud for a greensteel HP item (cloak) and weapons as your highest priority. Running raids live Reaver's fate will be helpful for madstone boots which will drastically increase your HP.

  3. #3
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    I agree with consumer, you need to pug some stuff, its just the way it is unfortunately.

    The vale quests give good xp, the vale raids (including HoX and VOD) give great xp and decent loot (Tharnes goggles for example).

    If you plan on TR-ing asap when you hit 20, then spend your next couple of levels trying to get some gear ready for your next TR.

    My barb will have Madstone Boots, 45hp GS goggles with Rad guard, GS triple earth guard cloak,a GS min2 great axe, Marlith chain, Leviks braces and more ready for when I TR him (in a cpl of weeks) into a pure barb. Think of the dps at lv13!!!

  4. #4
    Community Member Jaid314's Avatar
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    just a thought, before you give up on soloing... do you have a radiance weapon? or even an earthgrab weapon? either of the two will change solo play as a rogue from being the most miserable experience i can imagine to being a very fun character... or at least, against most enemies :P (anything immune to blindness or sneak attack, not quite as good)

  5. #5
    Community Member destiny4405's Avatar
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    what jaid said. you could pump human's healing amp enchantments and get some heal amp on your DT armor and your heal scrolls could heal you for almost 200hp. with some clickies and blur scrolls (blinded enemies and concealment ftw!) you could solo quite a bit. at least you can get to lvl 20 to tr into some more powerfull class...

  6. #6
    Community Member TURIN35RBAL2's Avatar
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    Default Puging, str build assassin

    Dont need much str if you are assassin build since you are assassinating and getting most of your DPS from backstab anyway so not sure about that idea. But as your idea about PUGing. Its not easy to solo anything as a rogue unless you have an excellent save number on your assassination. If you do want to solo, bring a FVS hireling and at least one paralyzer and keep the npc back. Also make sure you got good hide a sneak gear with a GH clickie. Can be done that way, but it takes a while. Gotta hit the enemy mobs one at a time or use your traps to draw them out of the room then take them down. Just make sure you have a backup plan. Doing pure-bred to get cheat death wouldn't hurt either.


  7. #7
    Community Member Sirea's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TURIN35RBAL2 View Post
    Dont need much str if you are assassin build since you are assassinating and getting most of your DPS from backstab anyway so not sure about that idea. But as your idea about PUGing. Its not easy to solo anything as a rogue unless you have an excellent save number on your assassination. If you do want to solo, bring a FVS hireling and at least one paralyzer and keep the npc back. Also make sure you got good hide a sneak gear with a GH clickie. Can be done that way, but it takes a while. Gotta hit the enemy mobs one at a time or use your traps to draw them out of the room then take them down. Just make sure you have a backup plan. Doing pure-bred to get cheat death wouldn't hurt either.

    Getting "most of your damage from backstab" still isn't a good reason to dump Strength.

    If he wants to TR then capstone enhancements don't really matter, though advising picking Cheat Death over 4d6 SA when you just said rogue should be relying on SA damage is an...interesting stance.
    Sohryu ~ Raven's Guard ~ Orien

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynnabel View Post
    Traps in DDO don't actually deal damage, they politely ask your avatar to damage themselves.

  8. #8
    Founder Jonathan_Lonehawk's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the feedback, guys. I did my first shroud run and am going to just run it till I get my GS Khopesh. Then I'll be 20th most likely and TR.

    Thanks again for all the suggestions.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan_Lonehawk View Post
    Thanks for all the feedback, guys. I did my first shroud run and am going to just run it till I get my GS Khopesh. Then I'll be 20th most likely and TR.

    Thanks again for all the suggestions.
    You could try Raid the Giant's Vault, a fun little 18th (?) level quest that suits rogues well to solo, since there's no end boss (red named cannot be blinded). Not that much XP I suppose but lots of chests and something to do when you are on Shroud timer .

    Other quests that rogues solo are the Monastary of the Scorpion, where you can sneak more or less the whole quest - extra easy if you have Noisemaker traps. Since you have DT armour you should be familiar with it already.
    Various hedge-wizards and halfwits, please see MyDDO for all your squelching needs
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  10. #10
    Community Member
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    Are you going to pay for the Heart of wood with TP or raid tokens?

    Youw ill be 20 by the time you craft a GS Khopesh, but more importanly, which GS khopesh will you be crafting.


    Seriously. I can solo a LOT more with my RadII rapier. If it can be blinded and sneak attacked i can kill it before it kills me.


    Once you drop the mobs, heal yourself back up to full and hit the next group.

    Never take cheat death. Ever.

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