Deepwood Sniper (core)
Level 6: Deepwood Sniper I (4 AP):
- +2 Hide, Move Silently and Spot
- (passive) Keen Weapon: Add
Keen property to all Ranged Weapon. (Won’t stack with any other Keen property).
- (passive) Grants
Power Critical feat.
Level 9: Deepwood Sniper II (1 AP):
- +1 Hide, Move Silently and Spot
- (passive) Concealment reduction: Add
Ghost touch property to all Ranged Weapon.
- (passive) More Critical: Add
Maiming property to all Ranged Weapon (*)
Level 12: Deepwood Sniper III (1 AP):
- +1 Hide, Move Silently and Spot
- (passive) Take Aim: First, ranged attack on target have bonus
+2 to-hit and +1 dmg. This ability improves by additional
+2 to-hit and +1 dmg on level 15 and 18. (*)
- (passive) Add
Head Shoot property to
Sniper Shoot ability.
Level 15: Deepwood Sniper IV (1 AP):
- +1 Hide, Move Silently and Spot
- (passive) Consistent Aim: Every time when Deepwood Sniper
roll 1, while attack with ranged weapon, he can roll
one more time (and one only).
- (passive) Power Critical: Add
+4 Seeker property to all Ranged Weapon. (Won’t stack with any other Seeker property, best Seeker property applies)
Level 18: Deepwood Sniper V (1 AP):
- +1 Hide, Move Silently and Spot
- (passive) Perfect Critical: Add
+10 Seeker property to all Ranged Weapon. Replace Power Critical enhancement. (Won’t stack with any other Seeker property)
- (passive) Grants
Resist Poison feat
Sniper Abilities
Level 6: Sniper Shot (1 AP):
- (Active) Sniper Shot: Performs a ranged attack with:
- Double critical threat range
- +1 to critical threat multiplier
- ( requires DS III ) Head Shoot: with critical shoot you can kill instantly a living monster (target must have head), if moob fails Reflex save (DC: 5 + Ranger level + Dex Modifier). Even on a successful save (or immune to instadeath effect), the target takes 1d10 x critical multiplier additional piercing damage. Evasion moobs are immune to death effect, and take only half extra damage.
- Cooldown: 20 sec. (**)
Level 9: Sturdy Projectile (1 AP):
- (passive) All projectiles consider 50% returning ability (won’t stack with anything, best returning ability is apply).
Level 12: Critical I (1 AP):
- (passive) All ranged weapon gain +1 to critical threat multiplier (*).
Level 15: Critical II (1 AP):
- (passive) All ranged weapon gain +1 to critical threat range (***)
Level 18: Critical III (1 AP):
- (passive) All ranged weapon gain +1 to critical threat multiplier (*).
Point Blank Shot,
Weapon Focus: Ranged Weapons, Ranger Extra Empathy I, Ranger Sprint Boost I, 16 AP
DS II: DS I, Improved Hide I, Improved Move Silently I, Improved Spot I, 31 AP
DS III: DS II, Improved Hide II, Improved Move Silently II, Improved Spot II, 43 AP
DS IV: DS III, Improved Hide III, Improved Move Silently III, Improved Spot III, 55 AP
DS V: DS IV, Improved Hide IV, Improved Move Silently IV, Improved Spot IV, 67 AP
SS: DS I, 19 AP
SP: DS II, 31 AP
C I: DS III, Ranger Desert Lore I, 43 AP
C II: DS IV, Ranger Tundra Lore I, C I, 55 AP
C III: DS V, Ranger Swamp Lore I, C II, 67 AP