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  1. #1
    Community Member Requiro's Avatar
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    Jan 2010

    Default Proposal for Deepwood Sniper

    At the beginning my explanation why I post this proposal:

    - We have only one playable ranged character in game: AA with Slaying Arrow

    - Ranged players need some option for more fun. Play like everyone else is no fun at all.

    Most my inspiration is from Original D&D Deepwood Sniper (“Masters of the Wild” book)

    I completely redesign all PrE. Decided to 5 levels of PrE (like AA or Archmage).

    My proposal in details:

    - All requirements are below
    - (*) – mean description (or special add notation) somewhere below.

    Deepwood Sniper (core)

    Level 6: Deepwood Sniper I (4 AP):
    - +2 Hide, Move Silently and Spot
    - (passive) Keen Weapon: Add Keen property to all Ranged Weapon. (Won’t stack with any other Keen property).
    - (passive) Grants Power Critical feat.

    Level 9: Deepwood Sniper II (1 AP):
    - +1 Hide, Move Silently and Spot
    - (passive) Concealment reduction: Add Ghost touch property to all Ranged Weapon.
    - (passive) More Critical: Add Maiming property to all Ranged Weapon (*)

    Level 12: Deepwood Sniper III (1 AP):
    - +1 Hide, Move Silently and Spot
    - (passive) Take Aim: First, ranged attack on target have bonus +2 to-hit and +1 dmg. This ability improves by additional +2 to-hit and +1 dmg on level 15 and 18. (*)
    - (passive) Add Head Shoot property to Sniper Shoot ability.

    Level 15: Deepwood Sniper IV (1 AP):
    - +1 Hide, Move Silently and Spot
    - (passive) Consistent Aim: Every time when Deepwood Sniper roll 1, while attack with ranged weapon, he can roll one more time (and one only).
    - (passive) Power Critical: Add +4 Seeker property to all Ranged Weapon. (Won’t stack with any other Seeker property, best Seeker property applies)

    Level 18: Deepwood Sniper V (1 AP):
    - +1 Hide, Move Silently and Spot
    - (passive) Perfect Critical: Add +10 Seeker property to all Ranged Weapon. Replace Power Critical enhancement. (Won’t stack with any other Seeker property)
    - (passive) Grants Resist Poison feat
    Sniper Abilities

    Level 6: Sniper Shot (1 AP):
    - (Active) Sniper Shot: Performs a ranged attack with:
    • Double critical threat range
    • +1 to critical threat multiplier
    • ( requires DS III ) Head Shoot: with critical shoot you can kill instantly a living monster (target must have head), if moob fails Reflex save (DC: 5 + Ranger level + Dex Modifier). Even on a successful save (or immune to instadeath effect), the target takes 1d10 x critical multiplier additional piercing damage. Evasion moobs are immune to death effect, and take only half extra damage.
    • Cooldown: 20 sec. (**)

    Level 9: Sturdy Projectile (1 AP):
    - (passive) All projectiles consider 50% returning ability (won’t stack with anything, best returning ability is apply).

    Level 12: Critical I (1 AP):
    - (passive) All ranged weapon gain +1 to critical threat multiplier (*).

    Level 15: Critical II (1 AP):
    - (passive) All ranged weapon gain +1 to critical threat range (***)

    Level 18: Critical III (1 AP):
    - (passive) All ranged weapon gain +1 to critical threat multiplier (*).


    DS I: Point Blank Shot, Weapon Focus: Ranged Weapons, Ranger Extra Empathy I, Ranger Sprint Boost I, 16 AP
    DS II: DS I, Improved Hide I, Improved Move Silently I, Improved Spot I, 31 AP
    DS III: DS II, Improved Hide II, Improved Move Silently II, Improved Spot II, 43 AP
    DS IV: DS III, Improved Hide III, Improved Move Silently III, Improved Spot III, 55 AP
    DS V: DS IV, Improved Hide IV, Improved Move Silently IV, Improved Spot IV, 67 AP

    SS: DS I, 19 AP
    SP: DS II, 31 AP

    C I: DS III, Ranger Desert Lore I, 43 AP
    C II: DS IV, Ranger Tundra Lore I, C I, 55 AP
    C III: DS V, Ranger Swamp Lore I, C II, 67 AP
    (*) Stack with everything.
    (**) Stack with everything. Double threat range bonus work exactly like Keen property. When Manyshoot is active it applies to all projectile from one shoot.
    (***) Stacks with Keen/Improve Critical and Sniper Shoot. This bonus applies before Sniper Shoot, but after Keen/Improve Critical abilities. Improve critical range in formula below: 20 --> 19-20 , 19-20 --> 18-20 , 18-20 --> 17-20 , 17-20 --> 16-20 ect.

    Any comments are welcome. But please: Let it be constructive critic. If you don’t agree with something post the reason too.
    Last edited by Requiro; 12-12-2010 at 05:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Requiro's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2010



    Cost of all PrE:
    - 2 feats
    - 31 AP (9 core, 5 abilities, 17 prereq)

    What we get:
    - Better base critics with ranged weapons
    - Free property on Ranged weapons (Ghost touch, Keen, Maiming, Seeker, 50% returning)
    - Keen property mean that we have additional feat slot (Keen won’t stack with Improve Critical feat)
    - One active ability: Sniper Shoot
    - Some unique abilities: Additional to-hit and damage bonus with first shoot, 2nd roll when “roll=1”, free feats.

    Examples about critics:

    Any ranged weapon with: 20 x3 with PrE
    Level 6-11: Normal: 19-20 x3 (Keen), Sniper Shoot: 17-20 x4
    Level 12-14: Normal: 19-20 x4 (Keen + C I), Sniper Shoot: 17-20 x5
    Level 15-17: Normal: 18-20 x4 (Keen + C I, II), Sniper Shoot: 15-20 x5
    Level 18-20: Normal: 18-20 x5 (Keen + C I,II, II), Sniper Shoot: 15-20 x6

    Any ranged weapon with :19-20 x3 with PrE
    Level 6-11: Normal: 17-20 x3 (Keen), Sniper Shoot: 15-20 x4
    Level 12-14: Normal: 17-20 x4 (Keen + C I), Sniper Shoot: 17-20 x5
    Level 15-17: Normal: 16-20 x4 (Keen + C I, II), Sniper Shoot: 11-20 x5
    Level 18-20: Normal: 16-20 x5 (Keen + C I,II, II), Sniper Shoot: 11-20 x6

    Any ranged weapon with :18-20 x2 with PrE
    Level 6-11: Normal: 15-20 x2 (Keen), Sniper Shoot: 9-20 x3
    Level 12-14: Normal: 15-20 x3 (Keen + C I), Sniper Shoot: 9-20 x4
    Level 15-17: Normal: 14-20 x3 (Keen + C I, II), Sniper Shoot: 7-20 x4
    Level 18-20: Normal: 14-20 x4 (Keen + C I,II, II), Sniper Shoot: 7-20 x5

    How DS look with AA?

    Compare with Arcane Archer, Deepwood Sniper is different playstyle. Most benefit in DS depends on what weapon we use.

    In AA we get static bonus from Slaying Arrows:

    From level 18: +500dmg on Vorpal attack (5%). In calculation on every shoot it is: +25 every hit.

    In DS damage depends on the weapon we use. That why we must looking for:
    - The best possible base damage (affect additional damage from critics)
    - The best possible critical threat (affect additional bonus from burst properties)
    - The best possible critical multiplier (affect additional damage from critics and burst properties)
    - Any burst properties on weapon (do more damage every time with critics)

    If AA have Bloodstone and Improved Critical feat, then firepower from both are almost the same (with one exception: Heavy Crossbow – DS is better), but DS strength is in:
    - free feat slot
    - free trinket slot
    - Sniper Shoot
    - Special abilities

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