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  1. #1
    Community Member Turbeleg's Avatar
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    Default Some thoughts on PvP

    Good morning! Just wanted to see what people thought on having slightly more varied areas for PvP, aside from the few there are, and the taverns. Like opening a wilderness area, or sewer complex for hunts and such, or even something on pare with Alterac Valley.
    On a side note, does any one know if they will be allowing rogues to stealth in PvP, as it takes away from their use in the arena, or point me to a good rogue pvp build.
    Thank you, and God Bless!!!

  2. #2
    Community Member Calebro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turbeleg View Post
    point me to a good rogue pvp build.
    This does not exist.
    Players all wear Heavy Fort, so rogues get no sneak attack, so rogues suck in PvP.
    Then again, you're in the pits, so the people there might not have learned about Heavy Fort yet....

  3. #3
    Community Member Turbeleg's Avatar
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    I usually avoid the pits, and 'duel' as I'm challenged. While I under stand this is a PvE game, and enjoy it for those reasons, PvP is a fun side treck from time to time. Hunting ppl thru a complicated sewer, or even buying a PvP based adventure pack, that would be avaible for various lvl brackets, could be a possibility, as long as PvE is not tampered with.

  4. #4
    Community Member Xaearth's Avatar
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    I am a competitive pvper.

    I don't pvp in DDO.

    I don't want to pvp in DDO. Ok I might occasionally goof around in the pvp pits, but nothing serious.

    Why you ask? Because I love the combat in DDO. Now, one would think that if I love the combat then I should want the opportunity to pvp with it. Not so.

    In my opinion, the combat systems in every other pvp game I've tried utterly suck compared to DDO.
    I don't just mean they need tweaks, I mean the concepts are just plain idiotic.

    "Lets give casters a root that can only be used at touch range, that will stop the melees for a bit so they can do damage." "Yeah that synergizes perfectly with the fact that every time they go to cast a spell their feet become stapled to the floor!"

    "Direct healing is overpowered. Instead lets add heals-over-time that stack from different classes/characters and potions along with any gear effects for massive regeneration!"

    "We have to have some form of character progression, so lets let the hardcore players fight over tiers of gear that are leagues better than each tier before it!" "Oh yeah, and we can stick them in the same pvp with all the people that don't have that gear and they can roflstomp them for the lols!"

    "S-boon'd! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL" (granted they came close, let's hope the sequel doesn't disappoint )

    Seriously. Every time my finger grazes a movement key and "INTERRUPTED" pops up, I want to take a staple-gun to some dev's... well you know ...
    But I put up with it because I otherwise enjoy the competitive nature of pvp.

    Don't take away my only safe haven. Think about all the dev's future childerkins!
    Mror Hold, 2nd in command - Thelanis
    Why am I a disgruntled vet? I could care less about nerfs, if the rest of the update worked.
    I hate epic, GSF !="generalist wizard", and my raid loot luck still *'in sucks.

  5. #5
    Community Member Turbeleg's Avatar
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    Well, I was merely placing the idea forward of a PvP adventure pack, so that there can be some varience in combat grounds. Think of it as a team adventure. Some become team A, some B. And just go from there. Now, please continue to enjoy the awesome pvE experience, as i do. Thanks.
    ... on a side note, I detest that regen from arenas.

  6. #6


    There would be little money to be made in this game offering a PvP pack for cash.

    But the idea to have a few more areas for... capture the flag and such. Could be fun. Bring back Kobold island. It could be good for that.

  7. #7
    Ninja Spy phillymiket's Avatar
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    While I don't play PVP I wouldn't mind something a bit more for those that do however...

    I'm trying to imagine if this next update came out without new quests only a new PVP area.

    That would suck.

    I'd rather not have dev time spent on such a thing.

    It also may attract PVP only people who would wonder why there was "imbalance".
    Balance would have to be achieved in that area which would imbalance what the game is really about. PVE.

    I would rather have a whole new game created using this frame but that is PVP.
    Then the PVPers would go do that thing and leave this thing be.
    BONGO FURY - Ghallanda - Thingfish - Wizard, Diuni - Ninja, Gheale - Angel, Dullknife - Tank, Noodlefish - Gimp, Jaquaby - Treacherous and other gimps.

  8. #8
    Community Member TitoJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turbeleg View Post
    Well, I was merely placing the idea forward of a PvP adventure pack, so that there can be some varience in combat grounds. Think of it as a team adventure. Some become team A, some B. And just go from there. Now, please continue to enjoy the awesome pvE experience, as i do. Thanks.
    ... on a side note, I detest that regen from arenas.
    Better yet, a pvp server.

  9. #9
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    No to using any dev time for pvp at least until we get all bugs fixed all missing classes, races and prestige classes(such as we have) and about 500 or so more quests

    Beware the Sleepeater

  10. #10
    Community Member TitoJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uska View Post
    No to using any dev time for pvp at least until we get all bugs fixed all missing classes, races and prestige classes(such as we have) and about 500 or so more quests
    You might as well save a few type strokes and say, I don't ever support more pvp. Because there will always be bugs to fix and class functions to improve on, and more quests to make.

    Worst reasoning ever...just say you hate pvp or something. Don't hide behind something that is bogus.

  11. #11
    Community Member Quarterling's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turbeleg View Post
    On a side note, does any one know if they will be allowing rogues to stealth in PvP, as it takes away from their use in the arena, or point me to a good rogue pvp build.
    As far as I know, there will never be plans for allowing anyone to stealth for PvP.

    Also, two reasons why rogues will always suck are:
    *Heavy Fort (no criticals for you)
    *Blindness Immunity (so you'll never be able to blind people with a Rad II rapier/kopesh.)

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