Hi all -
I am looking for a guild of like minded people I can play with and while I have made alot of good friends in game, I have been unable to find a home. Part of this is due to the fact that as an aussie, most of the people I play with are usually randomly online late night American/Canadaians or up early Europeans, and partly due to the fact that while I play regularly, it is usually only for a few hours each night and thus I am often outleveled by friends I have made who play more often.
I am not new to the game, I have played on and off since release, but have been away for an extended period as my wife and I started a family and I needed time to...adjust I am a hardcore gamer (not the 24/7 noob player, the 1-2 hours if he can pro type) at heart but play just as much for fun. In other words, I do all the things that a dedicated gamer expects. I am fully self reliant in game, carry all relevant weapon versions, pots and scrolls, ensure I maximize my buffs as well as possible and in groups I will ensure I am as actively managing others resources (mana or hp) as much as my own. I also understand advanced concepts of mob movement, forming walls, sidesteping casters spells and how to positional/kite to greatest effect (though line of sight pulling is not easy in DDO which is one reason I like it over other MMO's), although the game now is alot easier than back in the day when we formed a shield wall across one corner of the room so a mage could magic missile the final boss of STK to death. I reasearch all quests on forums and in guides so while there is alot of this game I haven't done, I am at least familiar with what I am about to do. Of course this means I am still learning and I love having discussions about the best ways to approach content. I am also happy to help out other people who want to learn.
I am looking for a guild that has people who not only play at my time but play regularly enough that I can be a usefull member of the team. To this end I am not neccessarily after a large guild (though that would probably help considering my timezone) but rather one that has players of the same attitude and gaming outlook. My timezone is GMT +10 and I am usually online between 9pm and 12am. I also play during my day at odd times when I get some free time as well.
If your guild is this type and you think I might find a good home and players to game with then feel free to contact me in game anytime. I play two characters regularly, my TR - Zaraiya which is currently at level 16 on their 2nd life with the goal of completing a third as a 20 KOTC and stopping to do end game content before possibly taking more lives or aiming for completionist; and my wizard Pinksock who is 15.