I have to agree with the first reply.....if you want to be effective ranged......must have feats will include Improved Precise Shot, Manyshot, Bow Strength, and Rapid Shot.....
If you can't fit all of those in you won't be very good DPS as far as ranged goes....you can probably get away with not having rapid shot, but would be advisable.
It can be quite difficult to make caster/melee hybrids as a lot of times they just do not have enough feats, build points to cover all the bases effectively.
I just simply do not see you having the feats to be an effective archer and would skip it altogether or do an LR +3 to get those fighter levels and add the ranged feats you need. ALso if you wanna go ranged why do you need power attack?
If your trying to be effective healing, melee, and ranged I think you will be stretched way to thin.