As far as I understand ranged combat via arcane archer can be potentially powerful if played and built well. I have zero experience with the arcane archer prestige, the gameplay style, archery feats, or ranged weapon choices. What I really need to know is this; Where is the turning point between "I can use a bow if needed" and, "I kill s**t like a boss when I use a bow." I have an opportunity to stick AA into my build without losing much. I plan on going zen and using wisdom.
My build is a 17/3 half-elf clonk str based. I really want to know how terrible/acceptable will my ranged combat be with my projected feat selection...Remember this is not my primary method of dps. I will more likely be using blade barriers for heavy dps and melee when trying to concerve mana.
What is the Arcane archer prestige worth without Rapid shot, multishot, and bow-strength? I almost went 15/3/2 just to add in either two lvls of fighter or ranger so I could have some more feats. We'll see.
My wisdom will surely be in the low 30s by the time I'm capped especially with ocean stance available. My dex will be less than effective according to my plans.
How does the half-elf Ranger Dilettante work? I heard it mentioned as an enhancement line but I didn't see it in the compendium. I read about the feat but know nothing about an enhancement line. Please enlighten me if you are more informed than I. EDIT: Just read up on the changes to come. It looks like the ranger Dilettante will allow me to use up to 8 points of str damage when using bows. Sweet...
Here are the feats I have planned:
-------------Required caster feats IMO------
-Empower heal(RS)
------------Super important for effective combat-----
-Power attack
-Zen archery
-----------Required for AA prestige-------
-Weapon focus(ranged)
-point-blank shot
-mental toughness(
Thanks in advance.