BRING ON AUBURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BRING ON AUBURN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!
Go for the eyes Boo!
Too bad anyone who has ever watched even one game of college football obviously knows the SEC is the elite conference......
Sorry Oregon, always a bridesmaid.
There is no lag. Just because you had none before and can't play now doesn't mean the server move had anything to do with it.
Kobold killer,
How can you even say that your team had a tough season this year? Auburn has had a uphill battle this whole season.
Before you come on a non-sport forum and think that you are gonna get away with saying that oregon is going to do anything against auburn, ask your self this.....
how many top 25 teams has Auburn/ Oregon played?
Who beat last years champs already?(by 1 point, but a comeback that people will talk about for years.)
which team had the harder schedule this year. ( be honest with your self.....)
I think anybody who watches college football (besides duck fans) will tell you that while it will be a fun game to watch, the fact of the matter is that the bcs crown will stay in the SEC.
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“A weird time in which we are alive. We can travel anywhere we want, even to other planets. And for what? To sit day after day, declining in morale and hope.”
― Philip K. phallus
The Ducks feed off of overconfidence. The FACTS are as you pointed out that Auburn had a couple of games that could have gone the wrong way for them. Now they won and that's all that matters but they showed vulnerability. The Ducks will be this years David vs. Goliath and well we know how that story went.
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!
Go for the eyes Boo!
Goliath in DDO terms failed his save and died in one round.
We have four quarters to play.
And it's not overconfidence if under pressure and down 24-0 against the bcs champs of last year and hold them to only a field goal in the second half.
I am not ever going to say that Auburn is going to run the field on the ducks. But Auburn is the type of team that the ducks have not had the chance to play this season.
also let us not forget
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“A weird time in which we are alive. We can travel anywhere we want, even to other planets. And for what? To sit day after day, declining in morale and hope.”
― Philip K. phallus
Hi KK.
Hands you yer cupcakes.
My boss is from Oregon as well.
Hands you a Cupcake One of Many of the O'Rum Ferretus's
The reason Auburn had such close games is that they happen to have to play top-ranked teams all year. I'm not an Auburn fan by any stretch, but the plain and simple fact is that the SEC is the toughest conference in college football. Any team that walks out 13-0 after playing five top 20 ranked teams is well tested. Oregon played one, Stanford, and they barely squeaked by Cal who isn't even ranked.
The only way Oregon wins this game is if the the Auburn team plane breaks down on the tarmac.
There is no lag. Just because you had none before and can't play now doesn't mean the server move had anything to do with it.
I give you one #90 for that!!!!!
if you don't know who that is k.k.
better hope your boys go sweep every play!
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“A weird time in which we are alive. We can travel anywhere we want, even to other planets. And for what? To sit day after day, declining in morale and hope.”
― Philip K. phallus
I'm familiar with Nick.
However are you familiar with these two?
You can't tackle what you can't catch.
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!
Go for the eyes Boo!
Now now, play nice, boys.
Hands you a Cupcake One of Many of the O'Rum Ferretus's
As a true neutral (big ten fan), I'll share my thoughts.
SEC is the toughest conference.
But Oregon wins this game.
INFERUS SUS Sorcs (Socky, Sockie, Socklin), Rogues (Sockpuppet, Sockum), Clerics (Sockington, Sockase), FVS (Sockle), Intim (Tubesocks), Bards (Sockdolenger, Sockish), Rangers (Sockin, Sockel), Wizzy (Sockut), Kensai (Sockt), Monk (Sockfist), Arty (Sockficer, Sockcraft)
Cam sees what you did there.......
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“A weird time in which we are alive. We can travel anywhere we want, even to other planets. And for what? To sit day after day, declining in morale and hope.”
― Philip K. phallus
January 10th.
Marks her calendar.
$1,000 per ticket? eeshh.
Hands you a Cupcake One of Many of the O'Rum Ferretus's
Awe! Am I the only one that jumped in here expecting a hockey discussion?
Go Kings! (and Blackhawks...)![]()
Does the scoreboard go to triple digits?
Neither team has what you'd call an imposing defense while both possess an offense that, really, can only stop itself through mistakes. Auburn's offense has, however, worked its magic against better opponents than Oregon's has (six top 25 teams versus 1). I think it possible that we could see both teams scoring in the 50s with the game coming down to who has the ball last.
I'm thinking Auburn 51-45.