I'd like to make a bard with useful spell DC's in epic, specifically dancing ball/hold monster since they can't get mass hold.
In looking at the DC breakdown I'm finding it a little too low for my taste, let me know if I'm missing something.
Before you say 35 is good, I've run caster quite some time and a 36 hits but doesn't really stick in epic, ideally I'd like a 39+ DC.
DC 35 on Enchant
16 base (Heighten) + 15 stat (40 Cha) + 2 feats + 1 Song + 1 Focus item
I'm not looking to grind a lot of gear for the toon since its mainly just another option when slots are filled. In the future better gear may be available, but I want it to function as soon as I hit 20, not 3-6 months down the road.
Cha breakdown as follow: 18 Base + 1 human + 2 Tome + 5 lvls + 3 enhance + 6 item + 1 exceptional + 2 cap + 2 Ship
While Facinate will stop mobs, it doesn't allow autocrits like hold or continued beating like dance. If I'm right on the DC, then I may be better off just going WC since I'l still be able to Facinate.