Originally Posted by
Yes many thoughts about that.
There are pros and cons, and getting 10,000 Stars makes for more of a true ranged build, vs. what this is: burst ranged during Many Shot and melee in between.
In short it is a different build all together. I may put an idea I have on paper after I complete the current TR of my Monk.
I'd also love to hear you opinion on the Monk12/Fighter7/1Caster (Arty is best but is P2P) when you get that TR
Something like this (slight variations depending on player but its the general idea)
Half-Elf Monk12/Fighter7/Arty1 NS2/Kensai1/AA
Str 14 (+1H-Elf, +2 Tome, +2 Fighter, etc.)
Dex 16 (+1 Lvl +2 Tome = 19 = IPS Pre-Req)
Con 14 (+2 Tome = 16 = Tier 3 Earth Stance Pre-Req)
Int 12 (+2 Tome for skills...than nothing)
Wis 14 (+4 Lvl, +2 Tome, +3 Monk, +1 H-Elf,etc.)
Cha 8 (+2 Tome,etc.)
Arty 1
Fighter 2,3
Monk 4 - 15
Fighter 17-20
HE Rogue Dilly
1 Point Blank Shot
3 WF:Ranged
6 Mental Toughness
9 Manyshot
12 Bow Strength
15 Improved Precise Shot
18 Toughness
4 Zen Archery
5 Dodge
6 Dark Path
9 Stunning Fist (+50% damage is nothing to scoff at and a Wis based build will hit with this easily)
2 Precise Shot
3 Rapid Shot
17 WS: Ranged
19 IC:Ranged
Monk 12
4 Bonus Feats
Tier 3 Stances
Increased Movement Speed
Wis to AC
Abundant Step
+3 Centered AC
Improved Evasion
Flurry of Blows (Makes Monk contribution to BAB 12 instead of 9)
Disease/Poison Immune
Meditation/Wholeness of Body (Ki/HP Regen)
Ten Thousand Stars
Ninja Spy 2 (3D6 SA, Shadow Fade,etc.)
Full Monk Heal Amp
Monk Wisdom 3
Fighter 7
4 Bonus Feats
Full BAB (which when combined with Monk FoB makes for 19 BAB at Lvl 20)
Fighter Toughness
Fighter Str 2
Haste Boost 3
Kensai 1 (Weapon Mastery etc.)
Arty 1
UMD (As well as +2 UMD to Scroll Use)
A Blue Bar (AA Pre-Req)
Lvl 1 Doggy Construct AKA Box Destroyer (Leave him on passive and he'll go nuts on destructibles...technically an XP boost as most people ignore the vandal bonus)
Rogue Dilettante (3d6 SA, 1 Rogue Dex)
Heal Amp
Elven AA
Human Str 1
Human Wis 1
Racial Toughness
Here's how a Combat rotation would go:
1. Manyshot 20 Second
2. Regular Shooting 10 Seconds
3. 10,000 Stars 30 Seconds
4. Regular Shooting 30 Seconds
5. 10,000 Stars 30 Seconds
6. Return to 1
Note: Can also throw a quick stunning fist just before 10kStars/Manyshot as well as haste boost, damage boost,etc.
Here's my version of the build http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=352594