Currently after;
Scroll of the Lion Headed Belt Buckle.
Scroll of the Seal of the Earth.
Other epic scrolls I have to offer;
Epic Adherent's Pendant
Epic Ancient Vulkoorim Dagger
Epic Bejeweled Letter Opener
Epic Bloodstone
Epic Bow of the Elements (Air)
Epic Bracers of Deftness
Epic Bracers of the Hunter
Epic Cape of the Roc
Epic Chainmail Coif
Epic Cloak of the Zephyr
Epic Collapsible Shortbow
Epic Coronation Shield
Epic Duskheart
Epic Dynastic Falcata
Epic Firestorm Greaves
Epic Flint
Epic Gloves of the Falcon
Epic Golden Greaves
Epic Hruvayah's Medallion
Epic Hyena Claw Necklace
Epic Mirage
Epic Mummy Wrappings
Epic Ring of Baphomet
Epic Ring of Spell Storing
Epic Robe of Fire
Epic Shard of Vollun
Epic Shield of the Scorpion
Epic Silken Mail
Epic Sirroco
Epic Spectacles of Spirit Sight
Epic Spiked Turban
Epic Staff of Inner Sight
Epic Sting
Epic Stinkpelt's Hide
Epic Thornlord
Epic Tinder
Epic Tourney Armor
Epic Unkor's Clever
Epic Vambraces of Inner Light
Epic Vulkoorim Dervish Robe
Epic Vulkoorim Fighting Leathers
Epic Vulkoorim Pendant
Epic Weathered Targe
Epic Whirlwind
Epic Wolf Whistle
Epic Xuum
Epic Zephyr
Epic Belt of the Mroranon
Epic Necklace of Azure Prophecy
Epic Cloak of the Silver Concord
Epic Dragon's Eye
Epic Hammer of Life
Epic Helm of the Mroranon
Epic Kundarak Warding Shield
Epic Necklace of Crimson Prophecy
Epic Ring of the Silver Concord
Epic Ironweave Robe
Epic Docent of Grace
Epic Kundarak Delving Goggles
Epic Necklace of Silver Prophecy
Epic Kundarak Warding Bracers
Epic Ruby Encrusted Gauntlets
Epic Stonemeld Plate Armor
If someone has a scroll I'm after and I don't have a scroll you're after let me know what you *are* looking for and we can work something out. I can also offer plat or larges instead.