This one took me a bit (See ).... most of my normal strategies failed due to the near constant rush of new mobs.
Perhaps this is no big deal (as indicated by Jakarr's "Easy pesy" remark)... but for me it was hard, and very informative. Took me about 6 tries to learn how to do this. The other two lvl 11 quests I've done in the area were totally childs play. This one beat me up and down the block for a while.
Things learned:
-failed USov (stunned mid animation) still counts as a use
-how to effectively use heal scrolls (used 48 total, and about 2 dozen during the successful run) Since hitting the level where I could use them, nothing else challenged me enough to need them.
-kiting in tight quarters (still need to learn how to handle the "floaty" problem better. wiggling and turning while swinging seems the best way to get to the ground)
That... and strateegery. without proper strateegery, I'm a red blotch.
-At all times avoid casting Heal. Use RS burst, USov and heal scrolls. Save mana for BBs (plus occasional DF for nameds, and buffs vs. end mage)
-From ledge, buff up some (enough to not waste mana while switching from mana weapons to attack weapons)
-go down, and kill peon scorpions
-grab blood, trigger named scorpion, kill him. Try to use only RS for healing
-zerg past many mobs opening doors (mabar invisguard cloak is huge)
-try to close bridge once over. If you can't, BB and kill off some of the pack there and then do so.
-zerg to wall of fire and orange-named scorrow.
-BB kite down all of the chump mobs _first_. May need to melee some of the casters. little scorpions respawn, but scorrows and elves do not.
-melee down orange scorrow
-when new orange scorrow and friends appear, BB kite them down before continuing (at least the named one)
-resume zerging through doors. If pack gets unwieldy, BB.
-jump from bridge, run down hidey hole, go heal up (during successful run actually had 180 mana left here... but since mobs around there respawn, no point in using it up killing them.
-run through lightning, get to ledge, continue zerging (and BBing if the pack gets unwieldy)
-vs. Red named Mage, BB kite all of the scorrow (or melee the casters who won't move enough) before worrying about the mage. Be sure to keep HPs relatively high to not die from disintegrate.
-After scorrow are killed, buff up with FoM and energy resists
-beat on mage... for ages. That stone skin definitely took more than 150 damage to go down.