Ok. Hear me out. Also give me a moment to put my nerd cap on.
So my buddy and I had this idea for a dungeons and dragons movie. The thing is, it's based on two pretty specific character types(In fact two prestige classes)
Nightsong Infiltrator and Nightsong Enforcer. The movie in and of itself is a heist movie. NI and NE are neutralish characters, known to be able to get into and out of anywhere, and take anything.
Picture their introductory scene: Dimly lit metal room, an Iron Golem towering over a musclebound type wielding a two handed weapon(Greatsword probably) Sparks fly the floor gets smashed up, sword chips away at the golem and fends him off. Pan to the Infiltrator working a lock and trap set up on a vault door. Sweat pouring down his face but his actions as steady as can be, and then his hands turn...All the while, complete silence. A small stone set between the two men radiating a soft of white noise(magical silence).
The two fail to steal this item, whatever it happens to be(powerful evil hoobajoob) So now they have their employers(whom they have failed) looking to "talk" to them.
Enter a paladin, searching for information on said Item, who inevitably finds way to question our neutral roguish heroes.
Other characters essential, A Monk, Barbarian, Druid, Wizard/Sorc.