Survey question for the DDO community as a whole:

If Hollywood were to make a GOOD Dungeons & Dragons movie (not the travesties that they popped off in the 90's) what would you consider to be the essential main characters? I mean what races and classes?

Consider two things:
1. What you would like to see
2. What you think would be essential for a good story

I think the party would have to have a Paladin and a Rogue who, normally, wouldn't give each other the time of day, but who have to work together for some reason. I think the Paladin should be a Half Elf and the Rogue a Human for that extra bit of "I'm better than you" from the Paladin.

I would also love to see a Halfling Monk, and a Half-Orc barbarian just for the cool factor. They could also be extremely compelling characters in themselves.

What about for a spellcaster? What do you guys think?

Would love to hear people's ideas.