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  1. #1
    Hatchery Founder Ganak's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default TR THF Pure Pally - Qanak the Absolute

    This is a plan for a TR of a S&B Intim Pally I originally created 2 years ago (click name in sig), about the time when Hound and VoD were the newest raids, so you can see what I was thinking.

    The purpose of this post is to solicit any feedback for my poor TR build and to provide an example to others who are considering different builds. I thank you in advance for your attention gentle reader.

    Qanak the Absolute
    20 Human Paladin KotC

    Pure Pally. High survivability. Self-sufficient. 2nd Tier THF DPS (Top Tier against EO). Intimidate ability.

    Starting stats (34 pt):
    Str: 16
    Dex: 8
    Con: 16
    Int: 8
    Wis: 12
    Chr 16

    All stat level ups into Str, unless I went with a starting 17 Chr (see below) for which I would put 1 point into Chr.

    +2 tomes at lvl 7.

    1. Toughness, THF
    3. PA
    6. Extend
    9: IC:S
    12: Empowered Healing
    15: ITHF
    18: GTHF

    Max intimidate and concentration. Rest of points (12 or so) into jump.

    Random Build Notes:
    I love empowered healing on my ranger (able to snap off 100 pt heals) for whom it opens up the ability to do so much more (like take down base 3 on my own in ev6) and the ability take over primary healing for short bursts has saved the day many a time. I am very stoked on EH for my pally.

    My biggest debate has been putting 12 points into Wis. I am very comfortable with an 8 starting Wis, and with a shroud SP item, I push near 600 SP on my pre-TR pally who started with a 8 wis. I am tempted to start with a 17 Chr vs a 16 (putting me closer to Divine Might 4), and leave one point in Wis for a starting Wis of 9. I dislike even numbers though. What is pushing me towards not doing this and going 12 wis/16 chr is that when I plan out action points, I find that getting DM 4 is very hard and I may be forced with staying with DM3. Also, the extra sp for 12 wis blends well with the higher output of healing with EH. Still....

    I heard low levels are great for the undead hunter PrC. I will do this. KoTC after desert quests.

    Human gives me all the feats and skill points I really want.

    I've heard arguments the THF line of feats don't add much. My feeble rationale is that might as well take it all the way.

    Questions or feedback? I would love to hear!
    Last edited by Ganak; 12-02-2010 at 06:30 PM.
    The Nak Abides - Argo - Ascent
    Ganak Goblinjuicer ~ Xanak the Irregular

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