Every so often in DDO, you might join someone's group. Take a break from all guild questing and friend filled raids. Decide to group with players that you dont' know.
Leaders of these groups will give Ultimatums. IE. "Do this, or else."
Most common Ultimatum I have been witness to is, "Do <insert action>, or else you are banned from my groups forever"
Few questions:
Is this common practice in pugs these days?
With the influx of new players because of f2p, this behavior might be more prevalent now then it has in the past, whether becasue the leader is trying to control the newbs by command or its becasue the newb (leader) thinks this type of behavior is okay.
Is this appealing to not only leaders but party members?
It is never appealing IMO, but it can be useful.
Is anyone leader that does ths imporant enough, that you feel you would loose out by being banned from thier groups?
Are certain situations neccessary over others where ultimatums are an important gaming tool?
Only a tool would use this as a general tool. For the most part ultimatiums no matter what shape or form are negative and degridating. There are so many other forms of dialogue that can get your message across other then to threaten another.
I'm posting this on Thelanis cause this is where I play. However, I'm sure this happens on all servers, so speak your mind.
P.S. This happened to me in a Shroud today. Group was told in part 5, "stay in pool while we single pull mobs, or else you will be banned from my raids forever." This sparked me to wonder what everyone thinks.
The leader could have simply stated, "okay, if i did not designate you to do something, please stay here in the pool". If a person did not listen, I would have silently noted it or did some other method to ensure I don't roll out with someone who doesnt want to listen. Aside that, I would have retorted to the leaders comments that would be r-rated.
Disclaimer: This is not about outing anyone, complaining and such. Simply curious how players on Thelanis feel and think.