Hey Gang! Shaamis here:
I've been thinking:
<...Ever since I took the red pill, and broke free from the system, I feel more alive. I'm no longer a "coppertop", and can move faster, and more efficiently than ever...>
<...Now that my eyes have adjusted, I want to bring others in to see the light, but unfortunately, most around me are still slaves to the system; still duped, and refuse to believe. If they still choose not to break from the system, they are part of the system, and can still be my enemy...>
<As other characters in the marketplace are walking around me, I whip out my Faihful Everfull Mug, pop the top, and take a BIG drink. As i put it away, I slowly levitate off the ground, and then suddenly streak into the air, towards The Vale>
The End......?