I don't find it amusing looking, and virtually playing (in terms of build), like everyone else in the game; I embrace variety, and find it to work just fine for me. If I wanted to be the same as everyone else, I'd be playing World of Warcraft, not DDO - the game that I thought was faithfully based on the D&D setting where you could be anyone you want to be, use any weapon you want, and still be a viable contribution to your party/team - seems I was wrong. Or am I?
With TWF (taken all the way to Greater Two Weapon Fighting) and Improved Criticals: Slashing, a scimitar has a 30% chance to land a critical hit. Put a scimitar/rapier in each hand, and given the strong likelihood of their being an off-hand attack, you could have up to a 60% chance to land a critical hit (with the off-hand critical automatically proccing a critical in the main hand in the next attack afterwards). 60% vs 40% (with Khopesh in each hand). That is, in my opinion, a significant enough of a difference to tilt a feat starved paladin toward using scimitars. The only time a stronger weapon would be more ideal is when you consider epic weapons (in which epic scimitars would be total garbage for a paladin) and mobs that ignore critical hits via heavy fortification (in which case, I'd use a bastard sword, or a two-handed weapon instead of a khopesh if I were to make twf paladin).
On the other side of the argument, scimitars have inferior strength attack/damage mods compared to the Khopesh. And the Epic Khopesh are better for Paladins being alignment based, whereas the epic scimitar is geared more toward Rogues.
In the end, and I would appreciate if my rep were not trolled any further due to differences of opinion and play-style, it boils down to what the player likes, and their combat philosophies. Play what you like, and what you think is best.