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  1. #81
    Community Member TitoJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dulcimerist View Post
    It can be somewhat easy if you hang out in the Harbor for a couple weeks, reading advice/general chat and taking notes whenever you read advice and misinformation that some of the noobs give to other noobs.
    Yeah, but none of them could pull it off trying!

  2. #82
    Community Member TitoJ's Avatar
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    Nice Cauthey.

    I did log onto my server, and I did roll a toon I named Misadventvre, but I heard my new mid level Wizzie calling me. I just couldn't let her down after I promised to get her to level 13!

    However, I ran Haywire's and I received a +1 deathblock fullplate of grease!!!! This must be a sign! I've never seen anything like it! lol.

  3. #83
    Community Member Cauthey's Avatar
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    So, if Ranger, what favored enemy? I was considering the favored enemy defense enhancements for when running around stealing aggro as hillarity is ensuing - again...something to make the troublemaker stand up against adversity.

    Should I pick something as lame or as unuseful as Plant? I was almost thinking Oozes as a quirk, but that almost seems too useful.

  4. #84
    Community Member TitoJ's Avatar
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    Well, if you could summon and ooze, and then break it apart into a legion of smaller oozes...that would be king of awesomeness.

  5. #85
    Community Member quintuss's Avatar
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    Some great ideas here.

    I see some synergy in bush + camo + grease.
    If you can't see your toon and he constantly slips its hard to fight mobs you can't see.

    Funnily i was thinking about building a prankster myself just yesterday.
    I was thinking about building a whole guild around it. That guild shall be named "Fail".
    Everyone that wants to join has to singlehandedly fail a raid. (To be verified by an officer in his backpack)

    Khyber: Quinterion cleric(20), Quintor ranger(6)/rogue(2)/fighter(6)
    Ghallanda: Quiram barb(18)/rogue(2), Bruorn barb(17), Quinteria cleric(17)

  6. #86
    Community Member Cauthey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by quintuss View Post
    Some great ideas here.

    I see some synergy in bush + camo + grease.
    If you can't see your toon and he constantly slips its hard to fight mobs you can't see.

    Funnily i was thinking about building a prankster myself just yesterday.
    I was thinking about building a whole guild around it. That guild shall be named "Fail".
    Everyone that wants to join has to singlehandedly fail a raid. (To be verified by an officer in his backpack)
    Dude, I control said guild right now! Did you see where they invited my troublemaker to the new guild, made him the officer, and also made him the successor?!

  7. #87
    Community Member andbr22's Avatar
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    ok i didn't read everything, but i would go other way -> make toon that looks as cooly usefull, but in reality cannot do anything.
    - 2 Rouge, Wizard (as much as you can ->18); preferably WF.
    you will look as cool guy that can handle everything himself (blessing for the party). Int = 18 (if you want to max out sneaking + hiding a bit more could be usefull for UMD ing those scrolls to help healing). Also dont know if they changed it but higher INT will make your grease deadlier.
    Put few points into STR, and NONE into CON (10 is much more than enought for you).

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by TitoJ View Post
    Disclaimer to start with, never actually done this, and yeah, I know it's going to sound a bit brutal. I'm not suggesting doing anything of the sort either. But if you want to play around with friends...or if you had a rough day of work and want to take it out on undeserving others, I want to come up with a practical joke focused toon.

    I don't even plan on doing this. But it made me laugh thinking about it.

    1. This toon MUST be loaded with grease clickies.
    2. Must be multi-classed gimpness, scratch the grease clickies, give me the spell
    3. Water breathing spell cast as a normal party buff
    4. Must have at least one level of rogue, with search and sneak completely maxed, and disable skill of 1
    5. Must be very hard to kill, but impossible to do anything useful for completion
    6. FvS should be decent level, so I can join as a healer, but don't have to have cure spells, just cure light wands.
    7. Must have a name that's common enough that also sounds like someone everyone knows, but nobody likes. This way I only take half the blame word-of-mouth.

    I'm sure there's going to be more I need out of this awesome build, but I'm just winging this from the deep, disturbed part of my brain.

    Basically, I want a character that can be accepted as both a healer, and a rogue, and a melee. I want to be able to search any trap in the game, but guaranteed to blow every single one of them.

    I want to be able to appear as a competent build for a healer in the early stages of quests, but not have the resources to be able heal the whole quest, aside from myself of course.

    I should be very hard to kill, because you can't wreak havoc nearly as much dead.

    I DIDN'T SAY TO DO THIS! I just laughed thinking about it...and was curious if anyone else had sinister like ideas the same. No getting your undies all bunched up over this, I got too many serzious chars to level yet.
    1st thought: It's due to players with builds like these that other players quit the game :s
    2nd thought: whatever, nvm, the build sounds fun

  9. #89
    Community Member chrisgina39's Avatar
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    ok let me try this

    request list
    good for group looking
    hard 2 kill

    intdate(get argo)
    dipomacy(lose agro)
    bluff(gain agro from far)

    ok bard with a slash of rogue
    12 bard 6 sorc 2rouge

    str 8
    dex 14
    con 14
    int 14
    wis 8
    cha 15

    power att(warchant)(15% less fort song)
    get the picture?

    only the preform 2 use reckless song(15% less fort:P
    1 point in dd
    u get gust(and some dc) halfings are affected knock down
    get all the argo go to caster dilpo
    Last edited by chrisgina39; 12-04-2010 at 09:50 AM.

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