I've checked some of them out, and they seem like more like cosmetic armor REMOVAL kits.
I hope they add a few for robes and light armor that aren't so revealing.
I've checked some of them out, and they seem like more like cosmetic armor REMOVAL kits.
I hope they add a few for robes and light armor that aren't so revealing.
But that's the whole point of playing female toons!
/looks at all-female toons
Garters of protection +5 seems to be an essential part of any fantasy armor. Frankly I did roll a female toon because 1st person makes me itch and staring at the butt of a male char for more than an hour straight makes me uncomfortable - so bring on the shoelaces and hankies of doom!
Since my computer at home is having fits making it difficult to log on. Post some screen shots since I cannot get on Lam to see.
Most of the females look like supermodels, and dudes have been playing them for years and justifying it by saying they would rather look at the backside of a pixelated woman then a pixelated man while playing.
Now we are complaining about the outfits being too revealing?
Dont get mad when you see my dwarf and half orc female toons with spandex and girly half tees. /queues up the runway music.
Can I get a dwarf in a thong? It'll remind me of my prom-date.
my half-orc females are gonna look amazing with the new skins!!!! im so excited!!! go go dragontouched robes!
there are lots and lots of armours to choose from - you don't have to choose a fleshy one.
(i mean really, how realistic is it to show so much flesh in battle? the skin look should come with scars!)
there are other dodgy things in game in case you haven't come across them - twink armours that are toned such that on my drow it looks like she's wearing seatless pants. or armours with a seam down the front that looks like camel toe and really unattractive.
pick and choose how *you* want to look.
~ Crimson Eagles of Khyber ~~ Melianny ~ Melizzic ~ Melton ~ Meliambit ~ Mellant ~ Melimenace ~ Melangst ~
Since no one else has done it yet....
Don't get me wrong, I'm not offended by this or anyone else's choice of armor.
I'm just hoping they add a few sets that don't expose the entire pubic area. Otherwise, I won't be buying any. I intend for my fighter to look like a warrior, not a stripper.
MMORPG: Many Men Online Role Playing as Girls
I kid.... I kid
So when can I dress my male toons in a furred loincloth and cape and show off their six-packs?
I play both male and female characters, but I have more females. This is mostly because as a roleplayer, I find it easier to RP a character of the same sex as myself (although I do RP both). If it was in a character's personality to dress revealingly then I might use some of the kits I've seen pictures of, as they are quite attractive (and at least they're not quite "slave Leia" outfits!), but since none of my girls are that risque I probably won't use them.
Some of the cosmetics are quite revealing, but I don't object to other players dressing their female toons in this fashion if they want - it's a game, they're just pixels. But I do think maybe there should be some 'fantasy armour' for males as well, just to even things out!
As for it not being practical to show that much skin, I think that several ancient warrior societies used to go into battle either naked or nearly so. Whether it was to put off the enemy, to show that they weren't scared of injury, or just to make it easier to move without bits of armour getting in the way and getting caught on the scenery, I don't know...
Silly weekend warriors...
Real warriors fight naked.
That is all.
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I'm off topic here but i've heard this ribbing before:
Playing female toons does not need justification. I know many players in the community are 0% roleplayers and don't care one iota what their tons look like, and that's fine. Personally, I would prefer each of my toons to look like something resembling a badass, rather than the clerk at the local gas station. Murderous female warriors are badass by default. The male character designs in DDO are goofy and uninspired. (Half orcs are a notable exception here, and perhaps dwarves)
Obviously, i'm not alone here. If you look at action movies or single player games with franchised characters, you'll find that the main character sells the movie or game as much as the rest of it. For instance the Terminator series, Tomb Raider series, God of War, devil may cry, castlevania:symphony of the night, etc..
There is a reason they cast Schwarzenegger in the Terminator movies and Milla Jovovich in the Resident Evil movies as opposed to, say, Kevin Smith and Sally Field.
end rant.
Last edited by Niktoo; 12-01-2010 at 05:25 PM.
I don't care how anyone wants to outfit their characters, whatever makes them happy.
But, as for the argument that showing flesh is not realistic, c'mon, this is DDO, where armor is useless above mid levels and everyone runs around in robes!
Captain's Crew: (TR) Dingalbarian - Horc Barb20 - THF, Dingaladin - Human 18/2 Paladin/Monk - TWF, Lamepolicy - Squishy Drow - Wiz20 Archmage