50% off all XP Boosts 25-stacks
off ALL generally means ALL stacks not just 25
I find this false...and ran to the store thinking x5 stacks would be 50% off also. :P
Maybe reword it to say stacks of 25 only?
50% off all XP Boosts 25-stacks
off ALL generally means ALL stacks not just 25
I find this false...and ran to the store thinking x5 stacks would be 50% off also. :P
Maybe reword it to say stacks of 25 only?
Khyber~~~~Violeita Cellestina Violeit Soriien Souleita Fatileita Raveneia
Blessed Be ¸.•..¸.•*..¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•..,