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  1. #121
    Community Member Chai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuantumFX View Post
    Personally, I would like to see a deconstruct system that cost Shards of Power/Great Power/Supreme Power and only gave you a BtC version of the Focus, Gem and Essence back for a single tier at a time. (No need to reverse engineer all the way back to base ingredients.) This would allow players to fix mistakes, at a cost that encourages the grinding without being depressing.
    I would be down for this. You could reverse engineer back to base foci but it would take 3 decrafting steps, 1 at each alter.
    Quote Originally Posted by Teh_Troll View Post
    We are no more d000m'd then we were a week ago. Note - This was posted in 10/2013 (when concurrency was ~4x what it is today)

  2. #122
    Community Member talyor's Avatar
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    It seems like most the arguments for deconstrution are for mistakes then why dont we ask the devs to change the crafting system to something similar to the mabar event i liked how in the mabar event you first picked what you wanted then added ingredients til you could make it no chance of mistake that way i never once got the wrong item. though i am sure there is someone out there that could .... lol OR at the very least have a confirm screen that says you are about to create "xxxxxxxxx" do you want to continue and if you dont read and hit yes you get what you deserve.

  3. #123
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    In the "I'll believe it when I see it" camp, but if we are wish-listing things, I like QuantumFX's suggestion best of all. Use shards and powercells to remove a focus, gem, and essence from an item giving you those pieces as BtC items. Seems like the best case of deconstruction that retains a bit of penalty sting.
    Andrialla / Archellus / Kadarin / Mercantile Joe
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  4. #124
    Community Member Valindria's Avatar
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    It should take ~10-20 portal Fragments to break down a GS item. This would give a use for them.

  5. #125
    Hero patang01's Avatar
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    If you haven't understood how it makes it easy, then you have already made up your mind to disagree with others. Nothing wrong with that.

    The point in contention is the STYLE of deconstruction. What should it do? To date, the player base has NOT agreed on a singular method.

    If you consider the more generous styles of decon, aka replacement of shards or returning of larges back, or even shards back, the only people it really helps are the vets that have stock piles already of gear they just aren't using any more. It really won't help the new players any where near as much.
    Not to be combative or anything - but what do I not understand? Easier as in less time running the same quest over and over? That's not easy - that's less time. You seem to equate - time spent - with difficulty. That to me is grind. I can run any shroud or any quest just fine without deconstructing anything. In fact I can run every single epic quest as is. Me being able to undo a item or weapon and redo it will not make the next quest easier. Your definition of easy seems a little strange.

    I understand that people think that it's a challenge to run 200 shrouds. It's not a challenge. It's time consumption. Kudos for everyone that have. Their accomplishment and level of challenge is not suddenly changed or removed because I or anyone else deconstruct an item I created. Note - 'I'. We have most likely never run together. You probably wouldn't even remember if we did. In fact you wouldn't even notice if I suddenly used a different GS item since it would have absolutely no impact on what you run tomorrow, nor what we might run together now.

    That's why the argument for it being easy runs into a wall of failed logic. It doesn't make it easier for me. One day I have a helmet and the other that gloves. I still face the same amount of adversity from the quest I'm about to run as before.

    As for how to deconstruct?

    I suggest 3-4 forms.

    TP points. Just like lesser and greater - which are complete 'deconstruct' of all your levels back to whatever lever you were at. Make it cost a lot of TP. Greater being everything except for shards and power stones. Lesser being all mats nothing else (meaning the material to make the item is gone as well).

    Then offer 2-3 in game options - be it by 20th shroud run or epic tokens. Something that require in game commitment.

    20th shroud run could be complete deconstruct with of all your materials, stones and shards. It's a 20th run essense. i think it should be an in game only as suppose to TP store only. I want someone that put the time in to be rewarded completely as suppose to being able to 'buy' a complete deconstruct.

    Then there are token variants as well - say 5 raid or 20 epic or something like that. It'll give you back about 80 percent randomly of all the mats you used at every level except the weapon/item and shards and stones. So if you double 'sharded' (just wanted to use that word) you get 80 percent back of the large used (random). 80 of the medium etc.

    And a final version. The ability to redo one tier. Maybe cost you 10 epic tokens or something like that. You create a new shard as usual, use the new essense you bought with epic tokens and redo the tier.

    All of this include grind and spent time and even resources, but less so than keeping a garage full of items.

    Plus - it brings a lot of mats back to the economy. It depresses the cost of material for a while and it won't stop anyone from running shroud.

    I'm not for punishing anyone for putting time into crafting something. I'm all for keeping a level of commitment to what you do, as long as there's a point where you can reduce tedium and allow some time for something else instead. Compare it to old way of adding runes to DT and now - I don't crinche every single time I have to do a DT run anymore, even if I know it's still a relative low chance for me to pull the rune I want.

  6. #126


    Quote Originally Posted by patang01 View Post
    You seem to equate - time spent - with difficulty.
    No I do not. (now granted some will because being able to find enough time to play can be difficult in and of itself.)

    Running shroud? It is easy for most of us as it is no longer difficult (baring standard issues), but it does take time. Time to run the shroud, time to wait (if you complete).

    in this case: Difficulty(which as I said is easy for most of us) + time + luck(getting required drop) = effort spent.

    Should something require effort, and then suddenly that effort is halved, it is normally assumed that it has become easier. At times the term efficient could be used as well.

    Due to the fact that the method of the shroud has not changed, nor has luck, only time has changed. This implies "easy" to me as opposed to "efficient."

    However, all forms of proposed deconstruct methods reduce effort.

    The return of shards/ingrediants change luck value. This too implies "easy" due to the fact you are being given "stuff" as opposed to standard collection in the shroud.

    A deconstruct method of "shard replacement" I would consider efficient, instead of easy as effort for creation of that "stage" of your shroud item has not changed.

    Now if you want to call me on that, I'd agree with you. To look at the over all picture of "stuff" vs. "replace", clearly replace reduces effort even more than stuff. (Over all being creation of new with stuff, vs. created and replace.)

    I would be fine with replacement of shard stages, but I see no need to introduce more ways to gather components/retrieve components. In my mind replacement is not deconstruction.
    Does this contradict my earlier posts? Depends on your perspective. Most posters want stuff back, and I've always posted against that. I don't know if I've ever posted against replacement. If I have, obviously I've changed my mind.

  7. #127
    Founder ellamonster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Khanyth View Post
    If you want deconstruction fine..... but it should have some >>>harsh<<< concequences and not "Oooopise me, I screwed up because I can't follow basic PHD (Press Here Dummy) instructions on how to tier my stuff/build my GS item.... Mommy and Daddy gave me their credit card, so lemme just buy and use some TP to buy one of those deconstuct things."
    Really? This is quite offensive, *** are the Press Here Dummy instructions? I don't know you, but this comment sounds as if you are trying to prove your PWNAGE.

    If Shroud had a system like the new mabar setup then fine you have a point. . . but to have to rely on secondary websites or player input for the recipes does NOT guarantee an honest mistake which can be quite frustrating.

  8. #128
    Community Member The_Phenx's Avatar
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    I want decrafting not to fix mistakes. but when stuff goes epic I have so many shroud items I can't use anymore littering my bank accounts.

    Hell even just making shroud items BTA would be a start.
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  9. #129
    Community Member ArtosKincaid's Avatar
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    I'd be extremely happy if I could just get my cleansers back honestly.

    Getting mats back too would just be icing on top of the cake.
    Arthad - paladin, got the SoS, got the seal, someone pass me the shard plzkthx
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  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArtosKincaid View Post
    I'd be extremely happy if I could just get my cleansers back honestly.

    Getting mats back too would just be icing on top of the cake.
    Yes. Or even a blank item with cleanser still applied.

  11. #131
    Community Member Hendrik's Avatar
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    Yea, why not!

    That way when I TR again to a new Class I can come here and complain that the Leviks no longer is of use to me and I want to turn it in for another Raid reward for me new TR to use.

    Just think of all those Raid items I can exchange for something else instead of taking up my bank space! Never have to run anymore Raids, just keep an item or two from each and exchange them on a whim!

    Just think of it! Not gotten your Bracers or Shield yet, BFD! Just take anything and exchange it for something else!

    Quote Originally Posted by hsinclair
    I heard the devs hate all wizards, bards, clerics, fighters, and fuzzy bunnies and only want us to play halfling barbarian/paladin shuriken specialists!

    It's totally true, I have a reliable source. You better reroll now.
    Adventurer, Bug Reporter, Mournlander.

  12. #132
    Hero patang01's Avatar
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    Yea, why not!

    That way when I TR again to a new Class I can come here and complain that the Leviks no longer is of use to me and I want to turn it in for another Raid reward for me new TR to use.

    Just think of all those Raid items I can exchange for something else instead of taking up my bank space! Never have to run anymore Raids, just keep an item or two from each and exchange them on a whim!

    Just think of it! Not gotten your Bracers or Shield yet, BFD! Just take anything and exchange it for something else!
    It's that silly slippery slope argument again isn't it?

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