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  1. #1
    Community Member Kelavam's Avatar
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    Default Sigh.. I am sorry

    to the last 2 pug groups I was in.

    Did a VoN5 a few weeks ago. Standard run, everything was going according to every other PUG group I have been in with VoN5. Then I fell. Right into the lava. No place to get back up, I stood there dead. Party's only wizard. I got mad when I realized there was no way out, and disconnected. This group has my deepest apologies, I let my frustration get the better of me.

    Tried running with another character, lower end, through Gwylan's Stand last night. I was the rogue. We ran elite, normally not an issue, and I blew up more than 1/2 the traps. Usually I do not get any, but last night was my night to roll ones. Traps killed the party members several times.

    So after 2 epic fails, I am hoping things get better from here on out. I do not PUG much, only when the guild is not around, but when I do, I try to be a value to the group. Last 2 times were not the case.

    So, to everyone who has pugged with me the last month, Sorry.
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  2. #2
    Community Member toughguyjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelavam View Post
    Usually I do not get any, but last night was my night to roll ones. Traps killed the party members several times.
    Just FYI, rolling a 1 on a disable device check is not an automatic failure.

    Try to keep the highest plus thieves tools, and also some buff potions (foxes cunning, heroism) around so that you can get your disable up to really good numbers and still be able to keep your base int around 14.
    Quote Originally Posted by gamblerjoe View Post
    if u put 1000 smurves in front of 1000 computers, eventually one of them will make a pally that isnt a complete abomination.
    Quote Originally Posted by dragonofsteel2 View Post
    Why should I care about what none friends think? It really not like anythink they do are say in this game really affects me.

  3. #3
    Community Member Otherworld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by toughguyjoe View Post
    Just FYI, rolling a 1 on a disable device check is not an automatic failure.

    Try to keep the highest plus thieves tools, and also some buff potions (foxes cunning, heroism) around so that you can get your disable up to really good numbers and still be able to keep your base int around 14.
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorWhofan View Post
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  4. #4
    Community Member English_Warrior's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kelavam View Post
    I am hoping things get better from here on out.
    I would suggest maybe looking at why things went wrong and correcting them...rather than just continuing on as normal and "hope" that things just work out better next time.
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  5. #5
    Community Member Kelavam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by toughguyjoe View Post
    Just FYI, rolling a 1 on a disable device check is not an automatic failure.

    Try to keep the highest plus thieves tools, and also some buff potions (foxes cunning, heroism) around so that you can get your disable up to really good numbers and still be able to keep your base int around 14.
    heh, sorry. I know 1 is not an automatic failure. Old school days of 2.0 coming back to haunt me (1 was an automatic failure - automatical critical failure in some house rules). I never have an issue, and my base int is over 20.. :| The rolls needed were not that bad, but for whatever reason, the rolls were not working in my favor.

    Good point about the thieves tools. I run with +4 and +5s normally, but I did not even look to see if that is what I was still carrying. I will have to check. Thanks for the good advice.
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  6. #6
    Community Member Kelavam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by English_Warrior View Post
    I would suggest maybe looking at why things went wrong and correcting them...rather than just continuing on as normal and "hope" that things just work out better next time.
    It was good advice. And I will check my character. Was just apologizing for the bad luck. I have run gwylan's on elite with this character several times, never had issues. But you are right, I need to double check make sure he is still equipped and running as he was then.
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  7. #7
    Halfling Hero phalaeo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by English_Warrior View Post
    I would suggest maybe looking at why things went wrong and correcting them...rather than just continuing on as normal and "hope" that things just work out better next time.
    I think he was apologizing for how he reacted as well as his play.
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  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Kelavam View Post
    It was good advice. And I will check my character. Was just apologizing for the bad luck. I have run gwylan's on elite with this character several times, never had issues. But you are right, I need to double check make sure he is still equipped and running as he was then.
    Aye, been there, done that. I hate it when I go out of my way to buy/pass down +5 tools, and then I accidentally pick up some MWK tools out of a chest and don't realize it till it's too late. Had that happen to me one time too many, so now, I WILL NOT pick up any thieve's tools on any of my toons unless it's a +5...getting in that habit has taken care of that issue.
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  9. #9
    Hatchery Founder Glenalth's Avatar
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  10. #10
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    Default put them 1st

    Quote Originally Posted by Yazston_the_Invoker View Post
    ...I accidentally pick up some MWK tools out of a chest and don't realize it till it's too late.
    The tools used will be the first ones the game finds. It starts looking through your 1st backpack in the top left slot and works its way in English reading order from there. Then it goes on to the next backpack. I always place my tools in the first slots so ones that get picked up through "loot all" don't accidentally get used.
    "What? Where?" *clunk, thud* :-)

  11. #11
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    Default it happens

    Quote Originally Posted by Kelavam View Post
    I fell. Right into the lava. No place to get back up ...I realized there was no way out, and disconnected.
    Just so others know, most of the time you can swim in lava/acid as a ghost after having a raise cast on you and wait to accept until after you've climbed out. Another possibility is someone with high HP, fire resist/protection quickly jumping in and recovering your stone or taking a ddoor back to the rez shrines. There are spots in the game where these aren't possible (I'm looking at you Madstone Crater shortcut of doom) but it's worth asking before you recall out.

    It sounds like in this case you recalled more due to frustration than necessity, but if you really couldn't make it out or nobody could get you, can you tell us where it was so we can carefully avoid it?
    "What? Where?" *clunk, thud* :-)

  12. #12
    Hero madmaxhunter's Avatar
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    Will the person who never screwed up a quest/raid throw a stone at this guy?

    Kelavam, leave your helmet off, you're safe. And you are my kind of player. Messing up is part of the game. Admitting it is an asset.

    My favorite screw-up was Rainbow. I'm sure it's a nightmare for many players. That stupid pit trap with the jump to platforms. I could never make it. Fortunately a TR fvs jumped down and carried my stone across. I was really embarrassed that the group had to wait as I kept attempting to make the jumps. Lesson: I make sure to always put points into jump. And, I'm the goob that keeps jumping from table to table in every tavern. I call it down time practice for that one jump.

  13. #13
    Community Member toughguyjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glenalth View Post
    When all else fails...

    Rage Quit is chapter two of Bo's autobiography.

    Rage Delete is chapter three.
    Quote Originally Posted by gamblerjoe View Post
    if u put 1000 smurves in front of 1000 computers, eventually one of them will make a pally that isnt a complete abomination.
    Quote Originally Posted by dragonofsteel2 View Post
    Why should I care about what none friends think? It really not like anythink they do are say in this game really affects me.

  14. #14
    Community Member Kelavam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MeToo View Post
    Just so others know, most of the time you can swim in lava/acid as a ghost after having a raise cast on you and wait to accept until after you've climbed out. Another possibility is someone with high HP, fire resist/protection quickly jumping in and recovering your stone or taking a ddoor back to the rez shrines. There are spots in the game where these aren't possible (I'm looking at you Madstone Crater shortcut of doom) but it's worth asking before you recall out.

    It sounds like in this case you recalled more due to frustration than necessity, but if you really couldn't make it out or nobody could get you, can you tell us where it was so we can carefully avoid it?
    We were on the right side of the split to the north. We made it all the way to the back, by the chest. I knocked it open, cast a ddoor (I was the only one in this pug with ddoor) and stepped back and down I went. I spent a few moments running around trying to find a way up - apparently everything below is just dungeon dressing - you cannot jump on the pipe and there is no other way up. I was upset, it was more of an embarassment quit than a rage quit (though yes, I was angry).
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  15. #15
    Community Member Kelavam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MeToo View Post
    The tools used will be the first ones the game finds. It starts looking through your 1st backpack in the top left slot and works its way in English reading order from there. Then it goes on to the next backpack. I always place my tools in the first slots so ones that get picked up through "loot all" don't accidentally get used.
    Wow, good call guys. Apparently I had picked up some lower end tools. (Apparently, that makes me the low end tool for not looking! )

    This was more of an apology than anything else, but I do appreciate the great suggestions. I no longer carry anything below +4 (since I do not have too many +5s) Will replace the 4's with 5's as soon as I log back in with that character.

    Thanks a lot guys. I appreciate it!
    Last edited by Kelavam; 12-02-2010 at 11:40 AM. Reason: Fixing my typos
    How can you not love Bacon? Even PIGS love bacon.

  16. #16
    Community Member hermespan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by toughguyjoe View Post
    Just FYI, rolling a 1 on a disable device check is not an automatic failure.

    Try to keep the highest plus thieves tools, and also some buff potions (foxes cunning, heroism) around so that you can get your disable up to really good numbers and still be able to keep your base int around 14.

    +5 tools (on AH for reasonable price if you don't have a high level char to pass them down)
    +1 luck bonus (voice of the master Delera's end reward)
    +n INT item, or foxes cunning pot if your item is below +4
    +n disable device item (The bonus should be equal to or greater than your level unless you are above level 15)
    rogue skill boost
    Heroism or greater heroism.

    Here's how the trap box explosion mechanic works...

    If your roll, + total skill mod is within 4 of the trap DC, you won't blow it up if you roll a 1.

    Example using my level 7 rogue...

    His total mod is 29 with trap tools, item, boost, etc.
    The slush safety factor for DD is 4

    Trap DC: 32
    29+1(minimum roll)+4 = 34. He can't possibly blow this trap box up even though his minimum roll doesn't disable it.

    Trap DC: 39
    29+1+4 = 34. 39-34 = 5. He will blow this trap up on a roll of 4 or less. He will fail but not blow it up on a roll of 5-8. He needs to roll a 9 or better to disable it.

    Hope this helps.

    See for more information.

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