My guild has been asking me to write this post for some time now. We are a group of about 20 players (15 regular) playing on the Ghallanda server and have always wondered whether there are any other Singaporeans or Malaysians out there. As the guild has grown over the past year (since DDO went FTP) we have had the pleasure of bumping into a few other Singaporeans and one Malaysian as we have quested. Speaking singlish over guild chat, zerging for complete efficiency, power levelling, and ransacking chests is very much more fun with people who share similar cultures.
I do believe, and perhaps more importantly, we have realised the benefits of having larger guilds. Not just so much for renown (we are just about to reach level 50) but also for raids. Setting a guild culture in running raids and having at any point of time 12 people who know what to do without explanation has brought much efficient joy. and on the whole, benefit for all as we share loot.
Most of us play for about 4-5 hours a day. We range from 17-40 years old. but mostly in late 20s to early 30s. about 16 males and 4 females. People are funny, irreverent and very helpful. We take pride in finishing quests in the fastest possible times and this therefore involves sometimes dangerous play but also good skills and quest knowledge.
So ya, if you are on our server, let us know. You can send an in-game mail to Esthar and I will respond as soon as i receive it. If you are on other servers, then also let us know. Perhaps we can discuss the possibility of a guild merge through server transfers or something. Or simply befriending other singaporean guilds.
In the meantime,
Majulah, and enjoy festivult.
Esthar Dungabar, Guild Leader Majulah Singapura