Please oh please oh please let us reserve inventory slots.
I'd like the "Lock" mechanism to also lock the slot within my inventory so that when I switch weapon sets, armor etc they go into their home slot instead of just some random place in my inventory.
I love the changes made with the new inventory features but the fact that I can't drag anything around in the new list view, or combine stacks etc really limits it's usefulness to searching for something and nothing more.
So please, either make the lock button also reserve the slot, or make a second button that can lock the slot. Once the slot is locked, treat it like it doesn't exist. If I try to pick up an item when all I have left are locked slots, give me the "Inventory Full" message.
This simple change would save me a significant amount of time each day that I spend reorganizing my inventory.
OR alternatively, give me the ability to drag items around, split and combine stacks, drag items out of bags into empty slots etc in my list view.
Thanks in advance,