Hey all
Main wants:
- Scrolls:
-Charged gauntlets
-Boots of corrosion
-Envenomed cloak
- Items
-Pale Lavender Ioun stone
-Lesser/greater hearts of wood
Minor wants:
- Scrolls:
-Roderics wand
-Diabolist docent
What i can offer:
Nearly any named item (mentau goggles, bloodstones, boots of innocent, surefooted boots,....)
All shield parts except no 6
Full tome pages set
Any +2 tome
Any number of large ingredients, red scales
Epic Brawn's Spirits
Epic Brimstone Venge
Epic The Big Top
Epic Utility Vest
Epic Golden Greaves
Epic Tinder
Epic Wolf Whistle
Epic Sacred Band
Epic Crimson Necklace of Prophecy
Epic Kundarak Delving Suit
Epic Kundarak Warding Bracers
Epic Ring of the Silver Concord
Epic Ruby Encrusted Gauntlets
Epic Stonemeld Plate Armor
Epic Garos' Malice
Epic Illusionist's Garb
Epic Kron'zek's Cruelty
Epic Shimmering Pendant (
Epic Adherent's Pendant
Epic Ancient Vulkoorim Dagger
Epic Bejeweled Letter
Epic Bloodstone
Epic Bracers of Deftness
Epic Hruvayah's Medallion
Epic Mirage
Epic Mummy Wrappings
Epic Ring of Baphomet
Epic Shard of Vollun
Epic Shield of the Scorpion
Epic Silken Mail
Epic Spectacles of Spirit Sight
Epic Spiked Turban
Epic Sting
Epic Thornlord
Epic Zephyr
Epic Diabolist's Robe [1]
Epic Infested Armor [2]
Epic Scorched Bracers
Epic Cacophonic Verge
Epic Elder's Focus
Epic Ring of the Mire
Epic Ring of Venom
Epic Sacred Helm
Epic Shaman's Band
Epic Souleater
Epic Twisted Talisman
Epic Chimera's Crown
Epic Chimera's Fang
Epic Elyd Edge
Epic Winter's Wrath
Epic Azure Necklace of Prophecy
Epic Helm of the Mroranon
Epic Bramble Casters
Offers here, PM or any Ast.... from LoX