Awww, come on Impaqt. By how the posts are written, my first guess is english isn't the OP's first're picking at the text when the intent was obvious.
He's referring to using Yugoloth potions to get his stat higher to get more spell points.
I'd call *that* a fail.
On another note. I do completely agree with you (Impaqt). Especially with regenerating turn's...over a long term, Radiant Servants have significant advantages. Even their burst healing options are at least equal...and it's not like there aren't readily available options to extend spell points with potions.
That's a point I hadn't seen up to here...yet...if you really get to the point where you're out of spell points before a shrine (for starters you're doing something wrong)...the ready availability of potions makes those maximum spell point pools far less relevant than they were in 2006/2007.