FREE stuff to be given away. For some of you that are server challenged, this post or thread is in the CANNITH server forum. If you play on Argonesson, no matter how hard I squeeze stuff through my ethernet cable it won't get to you.
I am currently saving up stuff to be given away during the holidays.
Some items in storage now
+1 tomes, portable holes, mithril armor&shields, adamantine armor&shields, some weapons. Assorted odds and ends.
Just what does given away mean? It means FREE. Zero strings attached.
Where? I try to be level appropriate. Stuff that is low level will be in the Harbor or Korthos.
4th level gear Harbor or Market
tomes will be given away anywhere
Portables hole(s) will be given away in marketplace or higher
When? During the Festivult, if it happens, or sometime in the month of DECEMBER 2010. Today is November, so it won't be today.
I have yet to figure out what pajamas people really, really want. I offer stuff and usually get no bites.
You can add stuff you might like and I will see if I can find it. The MAJOR CAVEAT, just because you want it does not mean I am going to put it under your tree.
When I am in the mood to clear out inventory space that will be the time I offer the stuff. If you are around when I do it, then good luck.
I prefer to give loot away to new players.
You would not believe how many tells I get from players that ask how much? Even though in my trade chat I specifically state FREE or I mis-type and say FREEEE.
EDIT: I decided to use this for only players that read the forums. I will post a password for the items in this thread. If you know the password, the item is yours. I will also change the passwords to mess with people since I know once I post a password people will then use the chat channels to tell what the passwords are.