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  1. #1
    Community Member moomooprincess's Avatar
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    Mar 2008

    Default Recipemaker in the Holiday Spirit

    FREE stuff to be given away. For some of you that are server challenged, this post or thread is in the CANNITH server forum. If you play on Argonesson, no matter how hard I squeeze stuff through my ethernet cable it won't get to you.

    I am currently saving up stuff to be given away during the holidays.

    Some items in storage now
    +1 tomes, portable holes, mithril armor&shields, adamantine armor&shields, some weapons. Assorted odds and ends.

    Just what does given away mean? It means FREE. Zero strings attached.

    Where? I try to be level appropriate. Stuff that is low level will be in the Harbor or Korthos.

    4th level gear Harbor or Market

    tomes will be given away anywhere

    Portables hole(s) will be given away in marketplace or higher

    When? During the Festivult, if it happens, or sometime in the month of DECEMBER 2010. Today is November, so it won't be today.

    I have yet to figure out what pajamas people really, really want. I offer stuff and usually get no bites.

    You can add stuff you might like and I will see if I can find it. The MAJOR CAVEAT, just because you want it does not mean I am going to put it under your tree.

    When I am in the mood to clear out inventory space that will be the time I offer the stuff. If you are around when I do it, then good luck.

    I prefer to give loot away to new players.

    You would not believe how many tells I get from players that ask how much? Even though in my trade chat I specifically state FREE or I mis-type and say FREEEE.

    EDIT: I decided to use this for only players that read the forums. I will post a password for the items in this thread. If you know the password, the item is yours. I will also change the passwords to mess with people since I know once I post a password people will then use the chat channels to tell what the passwords are.
    Last edited by moomooprincess; 11-30-2010 at 08:11 AM.
    Recipemaker Guild: Top Chef School of Recipes

    Event Statistics: Risia, Festivult, Midwinter, Daily Dice, Mimic Hunt

  2. #2
    Community Member Varr's Avatar
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    Apr 2006


    Props to ya, giving stuff away is fun.

    You might find forum posted passwords skew you away from new players and towards the greadier forum vets looking for another 20 k plat of free goodness. Could be wrong though, and would be good platform to introduce new players to the forum community.

    If you start to get skinny on freebies towards the end of your program send me a tell.....I've 6 +1 tomes and 6 portable holes I would donate thru you.

    Happy holidays!
    Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.

  3. #3
    Community Member ConnorMacLoad's Avatar
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    Nov 2009


    ya, huge props for this, unfortunately i do not think the clientele you want to reach is the one on this forum. In any case, i also have a few things kickin around you can have if you come short, just /tell.

    also pajamas at low levels are usually guard of resistance ones i have found. the ones that are really good are usually too good to give away imo. RR heavy fort vanilla or something.

  4. #4
    Community Member tunabomber's Avatar
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    I could really use some +1 tomes for my lowbies,as I rarely if ever find any tomes of anykind.

    Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
    Officer of The Silver Legion
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  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Same offer as Varr... let me know if you run low and need some +1 tomes and CPH to give away. I'm pretty sure I have some squirreled away on a mule somewhere.
    Andrialla / Archellus / Kadarin / Mercantile Joe
    Knight of The Silver Legion (Forum name: Rugar)
    Cannith / Orien

  6. #6
    Community Member Fomori's Avatar
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    Dang, if cannith was my primary server I'd toss a few things your way to help out the cause.

    Anyways, props to you...
    Male Fairy: "Dont cry my dear. You know what I do when I'm sad?"
    Felicia Day Fairy: "Look douchy..."

    Quote Originally Posted by mournbladereigns View Post
    Actually, if this Nerf's one of Shade's barb's I doubly support this!

  7. #7
    Community Member ConnorMacLoad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tunabomber View Post
    I could really use some +1 tomes for my lowbies,as I rarely if ever find any tomes of anykind.
    level 19? there are at least 30 +1 tomes in the AH right now, under 30kpp.....

  8. #8
    Community Member tunabomber's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ConnorMacLoad View Post
    level 19? there are at least 30 +1 tomes in the AH right now, under 30kpp.....

    yeah but im broke,dont have time to play all day everyday I have a wife and kids... you know,im lucky to have like 100k pp between chars right now,i do buy alot of stuff on ah but not tomes usually.Heck i prolly have some stuff i can use in trade for the tomes that other folks would like to have.Dont really like askin for freebies but you gotta do what ya gotta do sometimes,all I can do is pay it forward,I give alot of items away to people also.

    Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
    Officer of The Silver Legion
    Knight Templar of Guild Medieval

  9. #9
    Community Member moomooprincess's Avatar
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    Default Thanks to all the offers, WOW!!

    I should have added

    LOW level stuff will not be password protected. Anything in the harbor or korthos will NOT have a password. I will do my usual vetting there.

    For pajamas I have offered moderate fortification robes MULTIPLE times, no one asked for it. I am thinking the Robe of Winter for a 4th level would be nice though. I have three of those and can always get more.

    Necklace of Contemplation

    The stuff I will password protect is some other cool stuff that people seem to desire. But I really don't want some of those items to go to a new player that does not really know what the item is for.

    for example, a complete icy burst kit. Only a vet would know what that is for.
    Recipemaker Guild: Top Chef School of Recipes

    Event Statistics: Risia, Festivult, Midwinter, Daily Dice, Mimic Hunt

  10. #10
    Community Member moomooprincess's Avatar
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    Default Sunday December 5

    Time to be determined depending on what the family does on Sunday and what my honey do list is.

    In the Holiday spirit I am

    Icy Burst kit = Recipe 3 + Recipe 4 + Recipe 5 + 300 motes
    20 Tapestries
    15 Adamantine Ore
    4 +1 tomes
    2 Collapsed Portable Holes
    Ring of Feathers
    three pairs of Feather Falling Boots (might be too high of level and people already have them)
    Robe of Winter level 4 Fire Resist 20
    Cloak Protection +5 level 15
    Sacred necklace of Protection +4 level 13
    Necklace of Contemplation basically for monks
    3 Luminescent Dust + 9 Fragrant Drowshoods
    6 Sparkling Dusts + 12 Deadly Feverblanch
    5 Vials of Pure Water + 22 Strings of Prayer Beads
    Eternal Wand Ray of Frost Level 5
    TWO Snow Elemental Gems
    Candy Canes
    Rogue Tools +3 and +4
    Sun Flasks good for oozes and undead

    Assorted Mithril and Adamantine Armor mostly for low levels

    A few weapons but weapons are very difficult to determine what people want. The weapons I find interesting, other players don't.

    Other stuff to be added later. My Santa Bag is just about full of stuff.
    Last edited by moomooprincess; 12-03-2010 at 07:15 PM.
    Recipemaker Guild: Top Chef School of Recipes

    Event Statistics: Risia, Festivult, Midwinter, Daily Dice, Mimic Hunt

  11. #11
    Community Member ThunderTank's Avatar
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    Where's mah cold shield potions? Running out of them! *hands start to shake*

    Nice initiative. +1 rep.

    * Flaws - Flawranga - Flawless - Godlike - Think Tank - Doppelganger *

  12. #12
    Community Member moomooprincess's Avatar
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    Mar 2008

    Default I still have around 200 of those

    Not exactly sure. I will play a character and find a stash on that character and go "Oh, did not know I had those there."

    Then forget about them.
    Recipemaker Guild: Top Chef School of Recipes

    Event Statistics: Risia, Festivult, Midwinter, Daily Dice, Mimic Hunt

  13. #13
    Community Member moomooprincess's Avatar
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    Mar 2008

    Default 7 PM EST I give it away

    Today, I have been giving away a lot of stuff and the rest of the stuff I am placing a password on it.

    When I mention the item mention the corresponding password and the item is yours.

    If no one mentions the password, then I just keep the items or keep on giving them away.

    In CAPS I wrote the name of the player that received the item.

    GEMDUST Ice Station Zebra = Icy Burst kit = Recipe 3 + Recipe 4 + Recipe 5 + 300 motes
    JRIZZT Karastan Carpets = 20 Tapestries
    NIRON Homestake Mining = 15 Adamantine Ore
    NONDO Red Rippers = +1 DEX tome
    OOGSWAY Navy Seals = +1 DEX tome
    SNOWMANE Pope John Paul = +1 WIS tome
    WENPIT Incredible Hulk = +1 STR tome
    STARSTONE Nightcrawler = 1 Collapsed Portable Hole
    MOTIF Bag of Holding = 1 Collapsed Portable Hole

    TINYTURTLE Gary Gygax = Ring of Feathers
    did not write down and no clue Beyonce = 3 Luminescent Dust + 9 Fragrant Drowshoods
    ELKAANA Peta Flashpin = 6 Sparkling Dusts + 12 Deadly Feverblanch
    did not write down and no clue FREE = 5 Vials of Pure Water + 22 Strings of Prayer Beads
    SINGINGROSE Ice, Ice Baby = Eternal Wand Ray of Frost Level 5
    VISYRIES Vanilla Ice = Snow Elemental Gem
    ANGTUR Edgar Winter = Snow Elemental Gem
    Last edited by moomooprincess; 12-06-2010 at 08:15 AM.
    Recipemaker Guild: Top Chef School of Recipes

    Event Statistics: Risia, Festivult, Midwinter, Daily Dice, Mimic Hunt

  14. #14
    Community Member
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    Sep 2010

    Default Is this still going on?

    Are you still giving stuff away? I would really love to have a collapsed portable hole and the icy burst kit...If it was already taken I understand...

    Also due to timezone difference, I don't think I'll be online that much when you're online...I'll try tommorow though!

    Character is: Crimioni (9 Paladin / 2 Fighter)

  15. #15
    Community Member moomooprincess's Avatar
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    Mar 2008

    Default Sorry, all gone

    On Novemeber 30 I posted I would do this.

    On December 3, I posted that I would do it on Sunday, December 5.

    On December 5, I started giving away a lot of loot around noon or so.

    I gave it all away on December 5 at 7 PM EST to 9 PM EST. I also gave a bunch of low end loot away all day starting around noon. 16 sets of mithril and adamantine armor and shields. +2 and +4 characteristic items. Protection +5 items. Resistance items, one necklace of contemplation, a few weapons, but nothing earth shattering since weapons are hard to determine what people like.

    Amazing how few players, in game, read the forums. Hopefully, I drove some to come here and learn from the forums. Only three players had ACTUALLY read the forum before I started to give hints.

    I had to give hints during my giveaway, like this,

    "I Publicly posted the passwords over two hours ago."

    "The passwords are still PUBLICLY available."

    "If you are playing the game right now, you were given access to the post." This means that when you sign up for the game Turbine GIVES you a login to the forums. Every player has access to the forums.

    The most commonly guessed magic word was "Please." Which was wrong.
    Last edited by moomooprincess; 12-06-2010 at 09:15 AM.
    Recipemaker Guild: Top Chef School of Recipes

    Event Statistics: Risia, Festivult, Midwinter, Daily Dice, Mimic Hunt

  16. #16
    Community Member
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    Ha yes, I did guess 'Please' too =)

    - Caw

    EDIT I find all I read here will be builds and discussions on minmaxing ~ the socializing stuff will come in time.

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