I really don't think it's fair for divines such as Clerics or FVS to have to struggle through an upgraded Pale Lavender Ioun Stone and it's honestly quite ridiculous and shouldn't be allowed in PvP.

The thing recharges 15 at a time, often. Their spells are like lvl 2 and 3.. it'll take a while.

If they have Death Ward on then Harm won't help them and if they got Protection from Evil on then Greater Command won't help either, plus that's savable.

Basically all they have is Greater Dispel Magic, which even with their lvl 2 and 3 spells isn't enough if say a ranger came in on them.

I'm pretty sure they'd be Slayer Arrow'd long before they got through one of those. My friend has a 20cleric and a 20fvs and he has a Xachosian Eardweller and all that good stuff and he doesn't even like dueling me anymore since I got my Pale Lavender Ioun Stone.

I even offer to take it off and he's all depressed and such saying stuff like "its not the same" which I think he means it doesn't feel legit.

Now to be fair there is no arrow absorption item and rangers are free to use everything they've got in PvP but we can't use Wall of Fire to kite 'em through. This is the PvP area of the forums and I'm just sayin' they need to disallow that stone. It doesn't help me none.